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File Hoarding

Guest rumbo

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I am a chronic hoarder of files. Shit I downloaded years ago "I might need one day". I just hard deleted 51 gigs of shit I thought I might need...one day.


Are you like this?


No, you fool!! you may need them. Quick, restore from the recycle bin.


You shouldn't feel ashamed about 51 gigs. It's not like it's taking up half of your living room, 51 gigs is nothing these days. I once deleted 2/3's of the music on my drives. It took a while before i regretted it, but eventually i wanted random album X to show someone something, and it wasn't at my fingertips. Very frustrating.


In a sense though youtube, has taken that role. Of quickly calling up x,y or z bit of sound from some band you only ever skimmed through once. You don't get sample packs on youtube though. so Quick, restore from the recycle bin. (Well unless it was 15 second realmedia pron clips or something, in which case, HAH whatever. ;-] )

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Guest rumbo

Yeah 51gig isn't much. But I'm on a notebook with a 200gig HDD and have an external 300gig. So I guess it's significant in my world.

I ditched the desktop anchor lifestyle for travelling with a notebook. Served it's purpose, but now I want to settle somewhere and get another desktop with a bazillion gigs.

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I keep everything I DL, but I also keep it very organized on either hard disk or HD. I don't see why I should be ashamed of virtual hoarding, as has been said, it doesn't take up any extra physical space. It's even been helpful for some, as I've been able to locate tracks or albums that aren't available online anymore or that the artist lost in a HD crash.

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im an extremely messy horrible cut in the phsyical world, but my computer is a excersize i OCD organisation, i keep almost eveerything, but in a good way

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