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Weird glitch - The Internet it looks funny


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Any Opera users out there just upgrade to 11.10 and notice this?:


I'm getting a giant play button over every kind of streaming media (youtube, soundcloud, etc). First I was thinking "fuck this is annooooying", but then I realized that not only this but all ads have been completely stripped off of every site I go to. So... clean :mellow:


Anyway, just thought I'd comment - it's like I'm in some strange Internet utopia where it's content... only content.... on all pages. Pfaf-free internet



Opera, don't you ever change.....

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Guest Babar

i tried to use opera a couple days ago because firefow 4 FUCKING CRASH MY COMPUTER EVERY 24H or so.

So i opened opera but it looked like the pages were formatted to be displayed for an iphone (i'm also using opera for iphone on the same ip).

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