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E-mail - by Hermann

Guest Hermann

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Guest Hermann




Ok, this is actually my first ever piece of music written electronically,

I´ve only really played it for friends, so I´d like to get some actual feedback, just curious.

I´m not willing to make any changes to this, because it´s done and dusted,

So I suppose the reason why I want feedback is just for future reference.

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Guest Ultravisitor

Makes me think of Road Rash.....which has got to be a good thing :)


I like the melodies and how the work with the bass and the movement of the track.


Unfortunately I am only using laptop speakers so I can't really say shit hahahaha


But yeah! I like it. Very good for a first piece. Keep at it!

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Guest Hermann

Thanks loads for the feedback :)

I agree it is a bit stale as it´s listened to for longer, mainly because I don´t know the technology of my computer insanely well, nor do I have a very good DAW.

And yeah, a breakdown (as in lose the beat right?) is a good idea, cos I also felt as though the beat drags on for quite a bit. I´ll see if I have the energy to change it sometime

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Guest Hermann

Oh and Thom, it doesn´t make any difference listening to it on laptop speakers than headphones,

I even fucking wrote it just with my laptop speakers (which are probably worse than yours, let me tell you)

That´s how ill-equipped I am.

Anyway, I´m currently working on a really cool remix that I should be posting up soon (unfinished) so I can get some ideas, or at least find out how helpful it is to ask people when it´s half finished.

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Guest Ultravisitor

Oh and Thom, it doesn´t make any difference listening to it on laptop speakers than headphones,

I even fucking wrote it just with my laptop speakers (which are probably worse than yours, let me tell you)

That´s how ill-equipped I am.

Anyway, I´m currently working on a really cool remix that I should be posting up soon (unfinished) so I can get some ideas, or at least find out how helpful it is to ask people when it´s half finished.

Fair play boyo!


Look forward to hearing the remix!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked it. The way the track constructs itself during the first part is interesting and I really like the moment where the high pitched melody gets in. Your rhythmic sounds are very nice as well, they made me think about Autechre in the second part. The snare full panned right is a bit strange but well, why not ?


Also I think you shouldn't be too influenced about what people think about the music itself because I'm sure you've made that track sincerely and personally like it. That's what matters I guess.

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