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cruising for burgers

Knob Twiddlers
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cruising for burgers last won the day on December 7 2023

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About cruising for burgers

  • Birthday April 20

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    Holy See Vatican City

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Community Answers

  1. lads that say they’re always right…
  2. I want to post videos... and you're not dat much of a dummy if you can save photos or videos from instagram... but you're not talking about insta...
  3. never watched a purely "crime" TV show before, at start I was a bit reluctant cause it seemed like it was trying too hard to be extremely coherent with irl and that felt kind snobbish... thought it had nowhere to go except court rooms and detective shit but damn, they keep juicing it and it doesn't stop... so much going on, loving every bit of it... gotta disagree about the choice of turturro's role though, don't think gandolfini would have pulled off such a goofy character... lots of lols to be found as well... 10/10 for now, I think I'm in the 5th episode...
  4. that sky looks shopped or else is too much hdr lol... I wouldn't expect regular clear blue skies like that over there but what do I know...
  5. been in Cork a few days ago... took the train from Cobh to Kent Station close to St. Patrick Street... got back on the train immediately and stopped at Fota? went to a zoo, animals depressed af, cloudy and cold, occasional showers... this picture I took and this song kind of express my mood att...
  6. new wave post punk but a lot of russian folkloric influences...
  7. can't stress this enough... this is from the same guy different project...
  8. yeah kermit levels, s/n ratio levels, thd levels, boss level, every level bruv...
  9. in which thread are u discussing this?
  10. I just want to express my deepest condolences to whoever liked “Dark Matter”...
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