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Git surfers part Deux

Guest Squawk2

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Certainly Squeltchy! First pro about this, quite good production, very upfront and crisp. The music, if I'm being honest, is very weird, like some kind of lurching, deformed acid. This isn't such a bad thing, I fucking love weird music. There's something underlying in this that's a bit unsettling. I can't put my finger on it. That's probably a compliment, I don't know how long you've been making music so apologies if it's been for ages but there seems to be a certain crazy naivety about the style that's really enjoyable.

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Guest Squawk2



I like weird music too. I try to make music that I would dance to if I heard it in a klub. I also try to make music as spontaneously as possible these days, I guess that might account for the naivety? I have made a lot of stilted-sounding music in the past and am trying to correct that.



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This is pretty cool. I wish the drums were more minimalistic though kinda like in Mike Mind's Satellite Son. But I do kinda like the lo-fi sound that have.

Also, I was kinda hoping that it would break down at 1:08 and leave the drums out for a couple of seconds just to build some momentum.

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