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Guest iep

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No I'm serious


You're going to die from that man stop taking it it makes holes in your brain like weed and you'll kill every single braincell then all you'll know how to do anymore is shit corn into your pants


not true. if i take it with whiskey it negates the brain eating effects.

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No I'm serious


You're going to die from that man stop taking it it makes holes in your brain like weed and you'll kill every single braincell then all you'll know how to do anymore is shit corn into your pants


not true. if i take it with whiskey it negates the brain eating effects.


I heard the purest whiskey comes as a result of jacking off Daniel right after you gray his goose


I think you're on to something here

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Guest Helper ET

whats the likeliness of seriously damaging your body after consuming 40mg's of dex for the first time?


seriously, i know of a guy who did that recently and now hes got some gnarly chest pains, and is quite concerned for his life


any serious input would help, thx

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Guest we_kill_soapscum

i was taking it for depression because Celexa gave me a seizure the first day i took it. now i realize i wasn't depressed, i was a heroin addict. whoops!

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whats the likeliness of seriously damaging your body after consuming 40mg's of dex for the first time?


seriously, i know of a guy who did that recently and now hes got some gnarly chest pains, and is quite concerned for his life


any serious input would help, thx


maybe he should go to a doctor then.

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I'm dealing with adderall addiction at the moment, it sucks. At night i tell myself i will stop but in the morning i don't care and take 60mg (my dose is suppose to be 20mg)


For the last couple of weeks i have been dealing with 120 bpm and some serious panik attacks. This shit sucks i wish i had weed.

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Guest Helper ET

man, ween off your addiction right now! replace cravings with lots of coffee and maybe some alcohol. this cant go on!


find some weed if thats what you need bro

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Yeah i know, i went tru withdrawl 2 times, the first one made me so fucking crazy i thought i was having strokes, the second time i was smoking weed so that help a lot. (but for some reason my town is dry on weed at the moment)


I just want to flush the piils down the toilet but im gonna have to lower my dose (quitting cold turkey is horrible). The problem is when i take lower doses i don't feel the "high" so i just fucking dose myself so more, i really hate doing that but i feel i can't help it.


i may start smoking just to keep my mind off it.

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I'm dealing with adderall addiction at the moment, it sucks. At night i tell myself i will stop but in the morning i don't care and take 60mg (my dose is suppose to be 20mg)


For the last couple of weeks i have been dealing with 120 bpm and some serious panik attacks. This shit sucks i wish i had weed.


damn man. but wait, its a scrip right? how do you survive for all those days you run out?

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I get a 30 day supply, but i got some "friends" that get 6 months supply/refills and wait for people like me to run out pills and sell them.


Right now I'm having a really bad panic attack (I'm calmer now) decided to quit cold turkey I fell if i take one more of these devil pills I will die.

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First day without it (i thought of dosing but i won the battle yey!). Was able to find so weed and made brownies to eat at work, made the whole day easier (was very relaxed and philosophical..i wonder if people noticed i was high).

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