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Unfinished track, Gæró

Guest Hermann

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Guest Hermann

Okay, I´ve thought about this for a while now and have decided that it´s necessary to seek some feedback from watmm,




I started working on this track, liked it, then realised it didn´t know how to take it further.


Up until the new section (you´ll probably be able to tell which part I´m talking about, the bit where the change is kind of sudden and a new chord progression is introduced) I´ve been really happy with it. Then I tried adding the new section and this is where I got completely stuck. I can´t be satisfied with it, and I really don´t know what to do with it.


I´ve listened to it so many times now that it´s become something I can´t listen to as a listener any more, which is a shame because I know that I quite liked it in the beginning.


The last section just before it fades off weirdly is the new section, which I would like some feedback on, that would be great :)


p.s. you might not think this is strictly "electronic" music, but after 1 minute maybe you´ll change your mind..

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Its really simple just introduce that part with a slow volume increase then it won't come across as so abrupt. Anyways I'm not sure about the beats I didn't really like them if I'm honest they kinda shifting around all over the place in the mix. I think you need a clearer beat which cuts through everything. Anyways I know how its difficult to disengage yourself from a tune when you've had it on repeat for hours.

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Guest Prosperus

I think that in the part you are talking about you are not just introducing another chord progression but modulating to another key altogether (but don't take my word for it). I am absolutely not sure about what I am going to say :biggrin: , but I see two routes to making the change less abrupt. I get the feeling that it sounds a bit abrupt because the theme of track is strongly anchored in the one key the first few minutes of the track and suddenly modulates to another key later. It will be hard to do this with creating a bit of a suprise. So the first option I see is to introduce the modulation a few times more and earlier in the track so that it becomes a more integral part of track's theme. The other option I see is that you just build up to the modulation more but I have to say that I don't know exactly how that works myself. I believe that in theory you could play some chords (shortly before the modulation) that are at home in either of the keys. By doing that you would reduce the abruptness of the change by first creating some ambiguity and then resolving that into the new key. I hope this makes some sense... :cerious:

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Guest Hermann

It does prosperus, thank you for the help from both of you, I will be using both of your advice in the furthering of this project :)

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i'd take the drums out and record them myself instead of using chairs tables and whatnot instead of generic samples. the compression is terribly too strong. i'd try to make the bass come in with a fade in (i think that's what you did with the drums btw). i'd take the strings out too. their melody doesn't add anything and their sound is not that good. i'd put the section with the chord changes 1 minute earlier (around 1:34).


now i realize you were asking about the second section and it's the only thing i didn't comment on :) i'd just take the strings out and develop from there. just loop it and experiment with other instruments until you find something that fits and when you're done, hope the transition will work with the preceding theme :)


honestly i think this track has got a huge potential but imo it's too repetitive in the beginning, i want that chord change earlier!


sorry if i missed the point, i told you what would sooth my frustration :)


p.s.: what's your setup? i'd love to play with it.

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Guest Hermann

Haha thanks YanG, I´ll see what I can do :)

My setup.. I wouldn't even call it a setup. It´s just a laptop and some software from this company http://www.nch.com.au/ and I´m using Mixpad audio mixer to mix it ;)

The rest of the sounds are just random sound files I´ve found here and there, some recorded and some just found, I can´t remember where from. I´ve actually been using fruity loops quite a bit to get some sound samples and then I usually edit them to make them a bit more unique and "mine".


Well Promo, hmmm, what would you exactly like to do with it? Thats a nice offer, but maybe I want to see what I can do with it first ;)

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