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that was disconcerting, then uplifting, and finally soothing

I enjoyed the sonic palette, especially the piano and chorus

you did some beautiful things with pitch-bending and modulation

I have a few constructive criticisms about the production:

-the audio doesn't 'sit' in it's own space, you've made a brilliant soundscape but something needs to happen productionwise to make this a truly immersive musical experience...perhaps you could experiment with some more reverb, or maybe create a background track from your finished track that is fuzzed out with static and 'verb, and then sidechain it with the main track, anything to give some sort of background space for these noises to exist in (hey but that is just my taste, it is ultimately up to you)


Either way that was interesting to my ears

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Thank you for your sincere feedback. I am novice at best, when it comes to technical ability, and most of my music is made on the fly, with only little mixing and mastering. I hope to be able to learn to shape my sound more towards something more whole sounding

I agree that there is something missing, and the sounds seem to be out of their place.

And thanks for the tips! I'll definitely take them to heart.

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