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Anonymous is on hacking spree: Paypal and Symantec already hacked


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compson do you realise that PayPal hasn't been hacked at all?


you're being a knee jerk reactionist


thread title says its been hacked?


thread title is wrong. also do you realise what you've just said?


the thread title says PayPal was hacked, so according to you, that means that it must be true


so does the article... are you saying it was fabricated by someone to incite hatred towards anon? that's possible, i was just responding to the discussion earlier if this was true. not sure what else to do in this thread?


so we've gone from "every thread title on WATMM is the truth", to "everything written on the internet is true"


next you'll be saying that everything written EVER is true

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from the original posted article


UPDATE Nov. 5, 11:38 AM PST: PayPal has responded to request for comment and Anuj Nayar (PayPal's Senior Director of Communications) tells me via email, "It appears that the exploit was not directed at PayPal after all, it was directed at a company called ZPanel. The original story that started this and was retweeted by some of the Anonymous Twitter handles has now been updated." PayPal sent me this link to Cyberwars' newly updated post(the primary post information originated from).
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the inherent problem with anonymous to me is that it's going to give the US government an easy excuse for the inevitable internet crackdown in response to 'cyber terrorism'. The obama administration for the past 4 years has been planting the seeds of the new frontier of the war on terror, and cyber terrorism is the new 'target'. At the same time though it's not like i would blame anonymous, the government if they do use it will simply use them as a scapegoat and a pretext.


Hacking that has been attributed to Anonymous may have been supported by government agencies for this very reason - to increase public tolerance for the idea that a crackdown on Internet freedoms is necessary. The way Lulzsec sprung out of nowhere with some fairly obnoxious & brazen statements about their intentions as a hacking collective right when SOPA was a hot topic seemed pretty suspicious to me.

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no i am not against it, but i am against putting 20k+ people's hard earned money at risk


paypal is liable, we aren't talking about social security information and stuff, just money in people's paypal accounts, which should, correct me if I am wrong, fall under paypals responsibility because it was not the fault of the user. akin to a bank robbery.


edit: nice one smetty lol :emotawesomepm9:


So what you are saying is. If I have a castle with 100 feet high walls and someone decides to breech them. Its my fault for having insufficient walls?


If people are paying you money to keep their information secure and you fail at this, then contractually yes you are liable.


Happened to Sony with their PSN issue, yet hasn't happened with Xbox Live because Microsoft spends more money on security.


Well in this case people are paying taxes so that I can keep their lives save.

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