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Need some feedback for university project surrounding remix culture

Guest Aserinsky

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Guest Aserinsky

The audio part of a university project I'm working on is finished and I was wondering if any of you would be interested in sharing any thoughts or discussions about any aspect of it (one of the criteria for the project is that it's taken to an audience outside the university itself, so I'd really appreciate it if anyone was willing to share something I could add to the portfolio and discuss!).


So basically the whole project is about exploring originality and how ideas develop through the introduction towards any form of source material. The practical aspect was myself and the person that I'm working with, who both make electronic music but in very widely different styles, would create a collection of "original" tracks and then go on to remix all of these tracks using remix stems which will be then put out to the public to go further and become part of the project. Essentially the whole idea is an experiment to see what ideas come out when both limited to adapting sounds from source material as well as the freedoms to expand on previous ideas to come out with something different entirely, let alone what emerges when two people from very different musical styles end up adapting and building on each others work. As a project, I'm interested to see if this raises any questions for anyone within that line of field.


Anyway, if you're interested in hearing the project here's a SoundCloud link where both the original tracks and the remixes of each other can be streamed (it's not available for DL yet as packaging and portfolio still need to be arranged). Just for clarification, I'm working under the name of Comphex on the project: the guy I'm working with is DJ Nightsky. I'm sure just by listening to them hopefully you'll work out which tracks are mine and which are his!


Thanks again for taking a look!

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If you haven't already checked out Variations, i would highly recommend doing so. Its a 7 part radio series on the history of sampling and remix culture and it has transcripts for every episode. Done by Jon Leidecker aka Wobbly. If you can handle the somewhat pretentious and dry narration it's well worth the listen.



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Guest Aserinsky

I think Variations might be my most cited source over the last 3 years on all the papers / research that I've done. It's always worth another mention though :cisfor:

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Guest Aserinsky

Awesome, my dorm is connected to the library network and I've been able to download it fine. Just skimming through this seems perfect, I'll give it a better read later when I get writing the manifesto / thesis part of the project. Thanks a lot!

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