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The Death of Michael Hastings


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i wonder what the toxicology report will show. He went through 3 red lights apparently right before he crashed.

Right now I'm 50/50 on this. It's possible there was some foul play involved, but if there was it was very cleverly done spy style. If it was simply a high speed car crash on accident, something seemed to have scared him and made him fairly paranoid right before it happened. That e-mail he sent if anything shows that he was probably in a heightened mental state, and if he actually was working on a 'big story' about the CIa maybe him knowing about these new NSA revelations just set him off into the deep end of paranoid delusions. I broke from reality completely about 12 years ago, and it was perhaps the first time in my life that I actually believed in the concept of pleading insanity if you committed a horrible crime. During my crazed mental state i was so out of my mind that I started believing that people were holograms and stuff like that. I think it can happen to even a bright intelligent seeming guy like Michael Hastings

i've had some kind of paranoid ideas and shit like that too. i don't think i ever fully accepted them but i was borderline, and pretty depressed. anyway, there is a multitude of possibilities once you open the door on the possibility of gov involvement. they could have DOSED the guy before putting the actual hit on him, so there would always be this erratic behavior to point to. the article about the guys hacking the car and the mention of how it's been shown that it can be done remotely just shows that it's maybe entirely possible that they could have took control of his car via remote and played it like an RC racer. and how could anyone prove anything? who involved in any of the official investigations would WANT to find anything or admit if they had? to find out about the hypothetical hacking, if it was using something like the onstar network, would onstar fess up and be like 'yeah our system got a guy killed'? would the gov even investigate onstar (or whatever company is behind whatever piece of technology was used to gain access)? and wasn't there something that came out about how hastings had a drunk driving type thing on his record? i mean, if you think about it, whether or not 'they' actually had him killed in that wreck, it would have been THE PERFECT WAY TO DO IT.


they have the tools. via nsa they have our private emails and likely our private phone calls are being transcribed into a searchable database. all that's leaked is something about metadata but i think it'd be naive to assume it ends there. so think about it. hypothetically, you are a spook and you want a citizen dead or are told to make it so. you have access to all of their vices, all of their weakness, everything. dui on the record? stage an auto accident. history or family history of heart disease? i would imagine that the cia and kgb both have virtually untraceable poisons that can trigger a nice attack. i think we've entered a point in history where they at least have the capability to kill anyone with there being no solid trace as long as they pull it off properly.


on the other hand the guy could've just had some kind of schitzo snap. to me though, this is the type of thing where a conspiracy is much much more possible than something like 9/11 being an inside job which would've required shit tons of people to be on the same page and none of them to fuck up and talk about it, and for this massive plan to be coordinated perfectly and go without a hitch. our government couldn't keep what was possibly one of its most important secret in its history (the making of the atomic bomb), an actual secret. i find it hard to believe it'd be able to orchestrate something like that. but this is one guy. they probably made it a point to have programs to take control over every model of car, just as a matter of practice. they probably even got them from the car manufacturers themselves, just like they got microsoft to help them hack emails...

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they have the tools. via nsa they have our private emails and likely our private phone calls are being transcribed into a searchable database. all that's leaked is something about metadata but i think it'd be naive to assume it ends there. so think about it. hypothetically, you are a spook and you want a citizen dead or are told to make it so. you have access to all of their vices, all of their weakness, everything. dui on the record? stage an auto accident. history or family history of heart disease? i would imagine that the cia and kgb both have virtually untraceable poisons that can trigger a nice attack. i think we've entered a point in history where they at least have the capability to kill anyone with there being no solid trace as long as they pull it off properly.




Some of the 9/11 truthers have mysterioiusly died. One was cerebral hemorrhage, apparently you can induce it using a focused microwave beam. Kinda scary, very portable and untracable, unlike using poisons etc.


-sie- wankers

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which 9/11 truther are you talking about?

the only famous suspicious deaths surrounding anything related to 9/11 that I know of are as follows

-FBI agent John O'Niel (who also happened to be the world's leading expert on al qaeda and bin laden) was forced off the Al qaeda taking flying lessons inside the US case after making too much of a stink about it to his superiors and started his first day of work (head of security in the wtc) on the morning of 9/11. He died on his first day of work.
-Paul Wellstone voiced a large amount of suspicion surrounding George Bush and the whitehouse ignoring repeated warnings of an imminent Al Qaeda 'plane as missles' attack. He died in an unusual private plane crash shortly after
-Danny Jowenko, a man who ran his own controlled demolition/implosion company in Amsterdam said that unequivocally, WTC7 couldn't have been anything else other than a controlled demolition implosion that would have taken months of planning. He died in a high speed car crash about 2 years later.

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i wonder what the toxicology report will show. He went through 3 red lights apparently right before he crashed.

Right now I'm 50/50 on this. It's possible there was some foul play involved, but if there was it was very cleverly done spy style. If it was simply a high speed car crash on accident, something seemed to have scared him and made him fairly paranoid right before it happened. That e-mail he sent if anything shows that he was probably in a heightened mental state, and if he actually was working on a 'big story' about the CIa maybe him knowing about these new NSA revelations just set him off into the deep end of paranoid delusions. I broke from reality completely about 12 years ago, and it was perhaps the first time in my life that I actually believed in the concept of pleading insanity if you committed a horrible crime. During my crazed mental state i was so out of my mind that I started believing that people were holograms and stuff like that. I think it can happen to even a bright intelligent seeming guy like Michael Hastings

i've had some kind of paranoid ideas and shit like that too. i don't think i ever fully accepted them but i was borderline, and pretty depressed. anyway, there is a multitude of possibilities once you open the door on the possibility of gov involvement. they could have DOSED the guy before putting the actual hit on him, so there would always be this erratic behavior to point to. the article about the guys hacking the car and the mention of how it's been shown that it can be done remotely just shows that it's maybe entirely possible that they could have took control of his car via remote and played it like an RC racer. and how could anyone prove anything? who involved in any of the official investigations would WANT to find anything or admit if they had? to find out about the hypothetical hacking, if it was using something like the onstar network, would onstar fess up and be like 'yeah our system got a guy killed'? would the gov even investigate onstar (or whatever company is behind whatever piece of technology was used to gain access)? and wasn't there something that came out about how hastings had a drunk driving type thing on his record? i mean, if you think about it, whether or not 'they' actually had him killed in that wreck, it would have been THE PERFECT WAY TO DO IT.


they have the tools. via nsa they have our private emails and likely our private phone calls are being transcribed into a searchable database. all that's leaked is something about metadata but i think it'd be naive to assume it ends there. so think about it. hypothetically, you are a spook and you want a citizen dead or are told to make it so. you have access to all of their vices, all of their weakness, everything. dui on the record? stage an auto accident. history or family history of heart disease? i would imagine that the cia and kgb both have virtually untraceable poisons that can trigger a nice attack. i think we've entered a point in history where they at least have the capability to kill anyone with there being no solid trace as long as they pull it off properly.


on the other hand the guy could've just had some kind of schitzo snap. to me though, this is the type of thing where a conspiracy is much much more possible than something like 9/11 being an inside job which would've required shit tons of people to be on the same page and none of them to fuck up and talk about it, and for this massive plan to be coordinated perfectly and go without a hitch. our government couldn't keep what was possibly one of its most important secret in its history (the making of the atomic bomb), an actual secret. i find it hard to believe it'd be able to orchestrate something like that. but this is one guy. they probably made it a point to have programs to take control over every model of car, just as a matter of practice. they probably even got them from the car manufacturers themselves, just like they got microsoft to help them hack emails...


what's your opinion about the Anthrax mailings? It may be hard to believe but the Whitehouse (confirmed by the New York Times, the Washington Post's Richard Cohen, and Judicial Watch) started taking anthrax immunization shots on the day of 9/11/01 and didn't bother to warn the public about their apparent belief of an incoming biological attack. Internal documents show that as early as November of 2001 they knew the anthrax had to of come from a US military bioweapons lab but hid the fact until late 2003 when they attempted to frame (in the public eye, never bringing actual charges to him) Steven Hatfill. But this was already after Colin Powell held up a vial of fake anthrax at the UN to make the case for the Iraq war, and after anonymous insiders from the Us government repeatedly tried to spread disinformation that Saddam was behind the anthrax mailings back in October of 2001.

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