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Ceephax in Calgary


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is kinda funny... and fun


I wish I could have gone to the Montreal show, but I knew about it too late and it's a 12 hour drive for me. Ceephax playing Calgary is just funny to think of. Did he wear cowboy getup?

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That Montreal show was so awesome. Except maybe for the guy before him playing terrorcore (or breakcore, I dunno) on a metal/punk bar soundsystem.

Not a lot of people though (which is good for enjoying the show and bad for making them come back). This is why we can't have nice things.

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He played 2 nights . It was a sound art festival that was more arranged chairs where people couldn't really dance to his music. He got pretty drunk and was set up to have some time after the set to talk to people (which didn't go over that well). His sets were great though...

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