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New - couple recent tracks

Guest colonelchibbers

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Guest colonelchibbers


I'm somewhat noobish at cranking out the tunes and I've been working on a few coffee shop blips. I would be most interested in hearing what you have to say, positive and negative. And particularly, some production advice from the veterans in the crowd.

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Guest colonelchibbers

God, sorry guys. It's not letting me edit my earlier posts. Figured it out I think.







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Purty good. I'm not sure how new you are, but one way to sustain attention in tracks is to constantly steer the listener's attention. Think of yourself as the conductor or something, and you're introducing the listener to new sounds/melodies/ideas/etc. You don't want a whole 2-3 minute track that hinges on one element, you know?

Of your 3, Cubical is my favorite one. Though the kick is at the forefront the whole time. If you were to change it, then I'd try diverting the listener's attention by making the kick exit and bringing in something else, then maybe bringing the kick back in to accompany the other thing. The important thing is that the introduced element has been noticed by the listener. You don't want something dominating the mix, and introduce things as you're doing in the background, as it's harder to notice them.

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Guest colonelchibbers

Thanks Brisbot. You're totally right and that's definitely the most pressing point to develop on, I agree. Still, think of how many tracks work so well with just a couple elements (e.g. a huge amount of Aphex's early stuff, take "On" for example). But yeah, especially that kick on cubical is too high in the mix and too unchanging throughout. Most of these tracks were knocked out pretty quickly and I need to develop the patience to make sure I'm not just beating one idea to death for 3 minutes. Getting into Renoise now which should be an interesting development.

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Guest GateFour

interesting stuff, I think you made the playful synth palette and melodies work pretty well. the mixing sounds really good too if you're new to this!


I think Cubical's my favourite too out of the 3, yeah the machine gun kicks are pretty upfront, but at the same time I don't mind it personally. It almost sounds a bit like some of the stuff night slugs were doing a while back... and I think it can work with your aesthetics.

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