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Georahi's Aisatsana Homage


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Very cool professionally recorded video and audio 'cover' of Aisatsana. Good job Georahi whoever you are. 




Composed by Richard D. James (Aphex Twin), 'aisatsana' is a Satie-esque piano piece inviting stillness and careful listening to one's surroundings. This mechanical and acoustic reproduction of 'aisatsana' uses a 100-year-old player piano to play a custom-made roll of the piece. Set in Hadden Park, the piano is recorded alongside visiting starlings and crows in the canopy above, creating a "live" version of the bird song heard in Aphex Twin's original version on the 2014 'Syro' album. An homage to Richard's signature blurring of the acoustic, electronic, and automatic, the meeting of the programmed player piano and the park's incidental soundscape invites one to reflect on notions of soundscape composition, 'liveness', and automation.

‘aisatsana’ is the closing track from Aphex Twin • Syro released 22 September 2014 on Warp Records.


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Very pretty, it inspires me to bother you about your next Disklavier comp. When?

This is just reply to Clark, has nothing to do with the topic so ignore plz:


I actually went up to the university to record a few tracks last week. Spent about 6 hours there. I have to email the TA who basically keeps the schedule for all the rooms with the equipment there and schedule a block of time WELL ahead of time, and I also have to go with a buddy of mine who is a student there and mikes the pianos for me. I can't mic it as well and his sounds professional. He's teaching me all the different techniques, so hopefully I'll be good enough soon. I've only done a few sessions though.


I'm not a student so I don't get first dibs. I have to go when no one else is there, usually on the weekends. A few months ago I actually gave a student the room because he had to finish an assignment and couldn't get it done in his allotted time. My little piano ditties aren't as important as someone else's grades so... yeah.


I've been up there a few times the past 3 months, and now that it's summer the room should be WAY more free so I'll be driving down to Houston more often to get stuff recorded. I'm still going through my recorded audio (I get like 1.5 hours of audio each trip) and always record as much as possible.


So yeah, it's a wip as always.


They also have 2 cool synth rooms with lots of different synths I haven't used yet. I wish I lived closer to the university that way I could come up there and use their stuff more often. But as always I'm only there to record the yamaha


I'm actually revising some midi to work on the disk so I can record Avril, Aisatsana, Piano un10, Diskprept1, maybe Nanou, maybe Hy a Scullyas Lyf Adhagrow, but I'm not sure if it's worth a whole trip recording all of them when I seem to never get everything I wanna do done. Though still do you have any requests you can think of? I might be able to get a LOT of time with the disk this summer, potentially multiple days in a row during the weekend or something, so I may be able to get it done. It doesn't have to be Aphex.

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