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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Sorry, what? Do you mean the old YT links are NOT embedded properly? If so, that might be due to the rebuild (which reminds me, I need to get those on a cron job as they are moving s l o w l y (less than 1% posts rebuilt)... Good point!
  2. Just something I noticed was a setting... so far it doesn't seem terribly popular. Easily turned off if you're turned off BTW, did the sidebar on the forum index (showing latest posts) disappear for anyone today?
  3. That, or a few people just keep sending money via PayPal to keep the lights on...
  4. You know, I'm not sure - let me take a look at that again, and see how it's implemented. There's no media embed management anymore, so I might not be able to apply that (as a matter of fact, the more I think about it that's probably the case).
  5. Ah, that's actually what we used here prior to the upgrade! We are on Invision 4.4.3, whereas before we were on Invision 3.4.9. The trick here is Bandcamp doesn't (yet) support the oEmbed standard, which is how the forum automagically embeds media, etc. into posts. There are paid (like monthly fees) services that act as facilitators if the site you can't embed doesn't support oEmbed, but I am not sure if it's worth the additional cost. I could consider having someone make an addon (anybody do PHP development for a living? You might be able to help WATMM and the Invision community by having your addon for sale in their marketplace and make some $$$ too). You think now that we've finally upgraded, that xltronic will rise from the dead?
  6. Not quite sure what you're asking - you don't like the Football subforum? Don't visit it!
  7. That might be due to the Recent Topics widget... the TH theme shouldn't put that much overhead on the page load...
  8. I'm not seeing any slowness - I haven't changed the sidebars other than adding a Recent Posts sidebar as well...
  9. Okay, after speaking to the addon developer I've re-enabled the dynamic "Recent Topics" addon on the forum index... I'm watching it to see if it is going to behave itself now or will crater WATMM again like it did yesterday and today... please post any slowness or odd behavior you notice.
  10. Looking into this more, it might not be possible as that exposes the HTML source (not BBCode like the old editor did) - obviously not something we'd entrust with just anyone (for their own safety and ours). That being said there are lots of addons for the editor that might restore that functionality I'll have to look into further. LOL @ "american capitalist dad attitude" - you're suggesting this is some grand money-making venture? We get enough in donations and subscriptions to cover the monthly hosting costs, and the costs of the very software you are using now (for free). Yes, this site is my hobby, but it also takes a lot of time, effort and for many, many, years a lot of my own money to keep it going. Yes, users do contribute content that make the site worth visiting (our community's longevity is a testament to that), but do you think the Reddits and Facebooks of the world are "free"? No, they're showing you advertising (which you are likely blocking) and targeted marketing in exchange for a "free" service. You're well aware of that fact; I shouldn't have to make the comparison. I am quite sure if there were ads plastered all over WATMM you'd be complaining similarly about how I'm selling us all out to corporate overlords, etc. - I think you're just disagreeing to do so and your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on. Also, I am not charging you for being able to change your name (as you can clearly see) - my point in asking for a subscription in exchange for the ability to do so was to convince you to pay for a service you have used without charge since 2005 in the hopes that you'd give back a bit of what WATMM has given you, which is hopefully a positive thing.
  11. See, I take issue with this attitude - I paid for Joyrex/WATMM out of my own pocket for years before somebody suggested I take donations (at one point I was paying nearly 100/month because we were growing so fast no normal hosting company could provide the resources we needed), and I did donations for years before in August 2013 requiring all new or returning members to purchase at least a 3.00 PER YEAR subscription to help offset the costs. Whether I could afford it or not wasn't the issue - why am I going to put the time, resources, and money into something others enjoy and I shoulder all the costs? Would you? Surely you can afford that "for some reason", right? I'm really not expecting him to pay just to change his name, but to get him to support the site he obviously enjoys and uses.
  12. Christ, man - it's currently set set to 50 per day for Members! I hastily put this WATMM Classic theme together; let me see about refining those issues. Good catch on the space between items - let me see why that is like that. When you say 'quoting posts' do you mean via the multiquote button or the quote button, or the @mentions? I'm still trying to find the proper setting so everyone can do that.
  13. Is it fair that only some of the members pay to support the forum while others (and sadly some who have been here more than a decade) have never paid? I think it's a fair tradeoff for users who want the flexibility to change their name (and save me the administrative headache of having to do it) to support the forum they obviously gain benefit from. I don't want to turn this into a paid/free discussion, so if you want to discuss it further, PM me please.
  14. So have it show the last person posting in the thread? Let me see if I can alter that or there is an addon that accomplishes that. You're also going to have to tell everyone how you managed a dark theme as we currently don't offer one (yet)
  15. The "recent topics" addon I installed seemed to be the culprit. Going to ask for a refund on that one! Definately uBlock Origin (and really, no need to run it here (whitelist us) since WATMM doesn't display advertising. Yeah, it was the Recent Topics addon. I've disabled it. See above. All is well now!
  16. Another neat feature (built in) - links to other posts provides a neat "Preview":
  17. Featured Artists dropdown on the main menu in place!
  18. Recent Topics on the Index page is back!
  19. Sadly because Bandcamp doesn't support the oEmbed standard, it won't work with the standard embed method and will probably require a plugin. I haven't given up yet!
  20. Well, the Source button in the upper left does the same thing - I think the issue is it's not on/off like the old one was, right?
  21. T'wasn't me! It was the evil upgrade script! LOL I just noticed I STILL have a round background behind my avatar because I used a transparent PNG... fml
  22. You mean you bought the paid early access? It's not out yet, is it?
  23. Ah! The BBCode Edit mode! I have a lot of control over the editor (can even add other buttons and functionality since it's built on CKEditor, a popular WYSIWYG editor), so that might be possible. yeah, search will be broken until all the indexes are done rebuilding, etc. That being said, search on the new forum is still ca ca unless we look at Elasticsearch (which is potentially expensive with a forum of our size). That was (I believe) an addon; there might be a new version to restore that (although I am actually considering 'pruning' a lot of that info under each person's avatar... Yeah, I know - I'm looking into an addon that will allow more control over the embedded media objects like SoundCloud. On that note, Bandcamp may no longer be possible due to Bandcamp not using the oEmbed standard. Might need to get a custom addon made (or the aforementioned addon may accomplish that). Yeah, I think stuff like that may be better suited for people's profile pages/cards and not repeated endlessly on the forum posts. I'm mixed about it too - whereas I like the Reactions (those are fun and I think we can come up with some WATMM-specific ones (bring back the burger so it won't get fixed)), I don't really like the Reputation (and the fact I am super negative on rep has NOTHING to do with it *wipes tears*). I've consulted with the vendor about it and unfortunately there is no way to have Reactions without Reputation, BUT we can just not assign value to Reactions, and that will essentially negate Reputation (still having it display is something I am still working out). SELECT * FROM watmm_posts WHERE post_body LIKE '%lol%'
  24. Holy shit - they fixed it! Yay! Did you fix it, or did your name magically appear correctly? Can you check to see if Twitter is not being blocked like what might be in @oscillik case?
  25. Ah, I see - not sure what I can do (if anything) about that.
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