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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I don't know, we all beat it in like 5th grade without guides it wasn't that bad. Only game I ever needed a guide for was fucking King's Quest V, although I'm sure some of the Castlevania II playground wisdom came from Nintendo Power, at least indirectly. But I never owned that one anyhow. For some reason I always found Super Mario Bros. harder than a lot of the hard NES games people talk about. Not Battletoads hard or anything, harder for me than, like, Castlevania III or Ninja Gaiden or TMNT Zelda II. Harder than Ninja Gaiden? that's one of the hardest NES games there is...
  2. My humble contribution: Come to Daddy (2019 mix) All aboard the salmonella van!
  3. I hope Zelda II one day gets a remake similar to what they're doing for Link's Awakening this year: They need to remake the original too!
  4. I loved Faxanadu! It was such a weird game, and yes, a bit like Dark Souls (the setting at least; wasn't particularly hard as far as I can recall).
  5. And a damn fine game it is - the whole trilogy on NES/Famicom could be considered the Dark Souls of its day...
  6. When the game that looks like an anime doesn't do well, make it into an anime!
  7. Mark Hamill is listed because he does the voiceover narration... Ian McDirmand (aka the Emperor from ROTJ) did the laugh.
  8. what about apples? iPhones are allowed
  9. Derived from the "last shit as a movie title" post of mine: Aquaman Captain Marvel Still work as-is!
  10. Actually, this might be the perfect solution (if you don't mind spending a bit more): https://www.amazon.ca/8Bitdo-Sn30-Bluetooth-Gamepad-Classic/dp/B07GKLG3ZP I have one very similar made by the same company (mine looks like a classic US NES controller, with extra analogue sticks, shoulder buttons, etc.), and it's a great and comfortable little controller.
  11. You either get used to the odd d-pad implementation on the JoyCon, or go with the BT adapter and PS4 controller. I can tell you from experience the d-pad on the PS4 controller works great for The Tetris Effect. Thanks Joyrex, I think I'll try a ps controller! This one might be better (and cheaper): https://www.amazon.ca/8Bitdo-Wireless-Bluetooth-Nintendo-Raspberry/dp/B0786JC6VW
  12. You either get used to the odd d-pad implementation on the JoyCon, or go with the BT adapter and PS4 controller. I can tell you from experience the d-pad on the PS4 controller works great for The Tetris Effect.
  13. Aquaman, or more recently, Captain Marvel, or Shazam. They just write themselves, don't they?
  14. https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Main_MiSTer/wiki that's the one. never had an amiga so am honestly pretty clueless on all things amiga, but this should be a good opportunity to poke around at one via https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Minimig-AGA_MiSTer Yeah the MiSTer can do a good Amiga, as far as I know. Amigas are fucking awesome, but then I'm biased, I grew up messing around on them. I'm still a bit sad that the IBM PC architecture took over. I was thinking about this a month or so ago, actually...in the 90s there were all these different home computer architectures floating around, it was great. Now they've all literally been replaced by the IBM PC compatible (even consoles now are running PC architecture hardware). There has been a lot of talk about Apple moving over to ARM based CPUs for their Macintosh computers, and Microsoft has been toying around with ARM too. I think it's time for a change, to be honest. But it's gonna be a bit tumultuous. There's been rumours of Apple developing their own CPUs for Macs to a) Stop paying Intel for chips, b) bring closer together their iOS/MacOS ecosystems, and c) Effectively kill Hackintoshes
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