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MadameChaos last won the day on August 2 2023

MadameChaos had the most liked content!

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    United Kingdom

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Community Answers

  1. The personification of corporate Americas greatest fears. Socialism and recycling.
  2. She's an excellent writer, but only just started it.
  3. I haven't seen Furiousa yet as I could tell from the trailer that it was very CGI heavy and kept putting it off and then it wasn't in the cinema anymore.
  4. I've seen it, but it's my least favourite of the three. Kinda meh.
  5. I tried to watch this once but the wacky wonky camera made me feel seasick.
  6. Perfect Days 9/10 Loved this so much I'm planning to moved to Japan and become a toilet cleaner.
  7. It was a huge waste of Dano's talent, but I guess they must have driven a dump truck full of money up to his house. Perhaps if the writing was better? After a while hearing him say "skinny human" made me want to poke him in all of his stupid eyes.
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