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Everything posted by delet...

  1. hammer babes +1x2 how is that strange and not just sexaaay as fuck? you should watch the movie, you'll have an hard-on for days.
  2. it's not disco if it doesn't swing you know, no new wave mush ruining the thread plz. (no offence, i know that it's an empty plea, do whatever you like, not everyone can have standards. ;-] hehe ;-p :: E|-;
  3. That's one sticky man. Took them five weeks to peel his wife off, during a particularly stifling rainy season. (fkxemagnitxingiedoentkair;)
  4. earlier my brother started whistling a star wars piece, just before i clicked over to the star wars thread. Another weird coincidence, he didn't know where i was clicking, he was playing wow. annoying bit that sounds like rasputin out of that gaga tune. god i inwardly whinced as i read that bit, and my brain reminded me with an excerpt wot it sounded like.
  5. what, for real? 1981 dude, check out that the soviet union is on the list.
  6. earlier my brother started whistling a star wars piece, just before i clicked over to the star wars thread. Another weird coincidence, he didn't know where i was clicking, he was playing wow.
  7. The bread enriched with celophane is warping her mind.
  8. oh yes !! He really looks like he's raised his iQ doesn't he. Perhaps he couldn't find anything worthwhile as he lived near the village of the mong people or in albania or something.
  9. hahahaha !! that's awesome ;-] wicked ..
  10. good lord !! .. nice looking tree though.
  11. god, you just can't please anybody tonight. -sie- i should have just stuck with the film watching and my boozenating.
  12. She's ok, but i am feeling extra horny AND wearing rum googles, so who knows. unless you were commenting on the cat abuse, in which case yes.
  13. because no one would believe that it was actually a lemon.
  14. basically, the women drinks the two glasses of wine at one time which will liberate their thinking enough to encourage the downing of the rest of the bottle. + all the other stuff that this issue brings up, like the fetus being exposed to something which may then cause it to be more susceptible to abusing it, once they get out of the womb.
  15. that's the same expression/pose as the dicaprio meme.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O07zy3eCw90
  17. you know, after a while we are gonna start repeating postenings in here, but really does that matter. there will never be a jazz post in the italo thread. (even if it's jazz italo )
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPS_kN-tku4 beautiful bass/treble harmoney in this qit
  19. bogdan dJ mix, i'm glad i was able to fast forward through the annoying bits. ;-]
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