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Everything posted by delet...

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSTOfdxGHCA
  2. LISTEN TO THIS !! http://www.thecentrifuge.co.uk/_wp/2011/01/cf052-automatic-tasty-life-after-debt-lp/
  3. pardon the lame arse intro .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmcJROu2nqQ stretching the definition from electro more fruitylektro but still a nice piece .. --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poGJ2zHgLZI funky joint .. --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2Vt_bSjxbc fits the definition after the first minute .. --- mleh, i need to pee. and surely this thread can be extended by those that know way better than this git ... i went on this mission last year with a thread from somewhere else and it didn't get very far as well unfotunately, cause i know there's 'huge' shit all over the place. Maybe us old electronic cunts aren't just down enough to know what it eeZ/.
  4. proper clip without drugoe keyboard fuckup .,. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDIDmbgh0-M better audio live clip from that era .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJCHksPBUjE
  5. In the garden of our new house. There had to be draw backs to living amongst lush brush bouncing up from the side of every path. It's the perfect staging point for Orb spiders, and their kin to throw a web across the way. I'm going on a cut back/tear down mission tomorrow. And before those with a smidgen of empathy in their hearts decry foul at the whole plan of action. I will only be going for main access paths. And it is pretty tiring sticking your arm out in a swishing motion before you as one carefully treads down the steps to the car, or up to the postbox. My brother neglected this action today and that led him to walk fully through a web and get bitten. mleh ..
  6. lol, the things i whinge about when i'm drunk.
  7. The title brings to mind so many possible tangents to me, but the one i'd like to follow is narrow and mostly cranky, with a touch of sugar at the end. I'll keep it brief too, cause this crap is taking me away from my special coruba time. So western office workers have such an easy time of it, their stress levels are only magnified by their nativity towards the realities of real life. So something being bad for them compared to their fellow citizens on the shop floor is only marginally equitable in if one considers their ability to speak in hyperbole. After all they really haven't the same high frequency customer interaction stress, nor the ever-present ability by company hierarchy to scan their basic performance metrics. There is no 'unit in, unit out', for these profligate time wasters. So their tasks aren't really quantifiable in the way a basic labour unit staff members is. Of course the negative aspects of their inefficiency is mitigated by their proximity to the power structure within the company. They can play the office politics game, and further for a localized manager, he himself has a tendency towards wastage via increased office hiring immediately under him, just to lower his actual workload, and as a way to shower favours. But i am arguing that the nature of the basic office worker unit, allows for a lot of inefficiency within the business structure far beyond that initially glimpsed when viewing their quarterly report or HR reviewing their job description. As much of their day behind a terminal no matter how you police it, is unaccounted for time wasting on facebook and what have you. And even before the net revolution these innate wasters found a way to get a free ride on the shareholders time. And it wasn't in the sense that there would perhaps be some global benefit for the company in allowing these 'deep thinkers' space to breath. It was more like giving criminals an angle which they can then exploit. Allowing people who are doing next to zero for the company, nay even perhaps whom are actually helping to reverse any stated long term corporate goals, to thrive like an unwanted parasite within the organisation. So we have a society filled with fucking time wasting losers who are living off the back of the actual front of house workers. But then perhaps from the perspective of the economy as a whole, we should ask, given the current structure of things. Is this a bad thing ?? These people, no matter how useless, are still spending the capital that they accrue, on coffees and long beer laden lunches, and expensive apartments. And we are employing an whole sub-sector of the human race that would otherwise be left abandoned and derelict, given their lack of actual talent at anything other than simian social climbing. So i suggest that despite my misgivings, that my point is moot. -- go pee nao ---
  8. my bro9ther sez derp, I say, you go for it mate.
  9. it's more a warehouse for nice noises. re: discussion, i'm not answering the kiss bit.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbMN1VuhFsA
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vODfE0CX5DQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOy1fYv4m-Q
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLkxApoKUGU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A9StqejEwI
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K1qpIXcxTA
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vsfalqt84c i'm posting this mostly cause i'm so completely against the acid + doof + house that beat down funk later in the decade.. fuck it. Even a piece like this pisses over shitty house. Sure acid within the funk framework werks, just say yes to italo, and hi to vibert sampling. But if you've delved deep long may you weep, where this thing can get weak. ... ect. is reminding the massivf that drunken dleetr rants are worth nothing and so should be respected even less.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUHA5tmPmfg
  16. anyone feel the vibes of juke .. ?? but somehow there's better continuation of beat.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iab3JQG7-E
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF-kezGy8Vs
  19. heh ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS44KtUh22g
  20. there used to be a decent (unscratched to qit) version of blackway - new life .. on youtube. i remember referencing it in a thread somewhere or other. That track would get us back on ...
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mPTwYe7O-0 soz iem lost tuedae ...
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9iQKXMWO_c parody family
  23. they should rename this section of watmm the 'halisray lounge' in honour of his perpetual presence.

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