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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Heh, I haven't read PKD in years before just starting now with the Exegesis inspired by other people talking here about him. :cisfor:


    Anyway, I'm also reading the Dictionary of the Khazars. Just semi-randomly going through the entries trying to figure out the story.

  2. I've been reading the PKD's Exegesis. Lots of stream of mind rambling that oozes drug abuse and mental problems, and all kinds of conspiracy theories and alternative medicine stuff, but also some pretty interesting tidbits.


    Like this one seems to affirm my perception that there are several story lines coming together in PKD's novels:

    Every novel of mine is at least two novels superimposed. This is the origin; this is why they are full of loose ends, but also, it is impossible to predict the outcome, since there is no linear plot as such. It is two novels into a sort of 3-D novel.

  3. This is from my winamp at work. I usually listen to vinyl at home or mp3 player in other places. I skipped my own tracks, because that would have been like the first 12 tracks.. lol.


    1. Kyoka - HADue

    2. Autechre - Cep puiqMX

    3. Autechre - Pro Radii

    4. NHK^Koyxen - 367

    5. Mr. 76ix - Sp3ctre

    6. 36 - Cocoon

    7. Autechre - Augmatic Disport

    8. Freeform - Follow Your Shadow

    9. Grischa Lichtenberger - 1011_11104_v_re_61011s1b

    10. Actress - R.I.P.

    11. 36 - Deluge

    12. 36 - Clear

    13. 36 - Reunion

    14. 36 - Radio

    15. 36 - Lithea

    16. Boards of Canada - Aquarius (Version 3)

    17. Boards of Canada - Wildlife Analysis

    18. Autechre - Etchogon-S

    19. Autechre - M62

    20. Autechre - iris was a pupil

    21. Autechre - redfall

    22. Autechre - d-sho qub

    23. Autechre - Treale

    24. Com Truise - Pyragony

    25. Gescom - Slow Acid

  4. I'm reading a collection of short stories by Algernon Blackwood as suggested by Atop some pages back. Also realized I have actually read the Wendigo story years ago when I was reading Chaosium's Cthulhu Cycle books. Anyway, great stuff so far.


    I also ordered the Exegesis by PKD from Amazon, lol. Have to see if I can get through it.



    I just saw Impaled Nazarene beer in a local supermarket. Finland, WTF?



    (Not my picture.)


    Interesting?! Have you tried it?


    Nah, didn't buy it. Seemed sort of gimmicky and I just went there to buy Citra ale.


    Also first I thought this could lead the supermarket into some trouble with the local brand of religious conservatists (called laestadianists) but then I realized it's unlikely they'll be looking at the beer shelf because they don't drink alcohol (in theory). :cisfor:

  6. I walked into ladies' bathroom by accident at Istanbul airport while sleep deprived and drunk. It took a while for my brain to catch on what the sight of all the people with the scarves on their heads around me signified. All the women just stared at me and then started laughing and I rushed out with my face red.


    IDK if this is a first world problem.



    Speaking of PKD, just started The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Only ever read The Man In The High Castle. Looking forward to getting stuck in.


    I think I've read most of PKD's work in the last twenty years but probably I missed some novels. I can't remember exactly what I've read because there's so much of it over such a long period and I just read what I came across unsystematically. At least I know I haven't read his Exegesis.


    As for "now reading" I'm currently reading Carroll's Alice in Wonderland stories.


    Any tips? I've got Ubik and Valis in mind to check out soon, as they seem to get mentioned quite a lot. I guess Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is probably a should-read too.


    I don't remember everything, but yeah, the Electric Sheep and Valis-trilogy (VALIS, The Divine Invasion, The Transmigration of Timothy Archer) are good. I remember also liking The Time Out of Joint, Now Wait for Last Year and Galactic Pot Healer. A Scanner Darkly is also considered a classic but I did not personally find it that interesting. The animated movie was good though.

  8. Speaking of PKD, just started The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Only ever read The Man In The High Castle. Looking forward to getting stuck in.


    I think I've read most of PKD's work in the last twenty years but probably I missed some novels. I can't remember exactly what I've read because there's so much of it over such a long period and I just read what I came across unsystematically. At least I know I haven't read his Exegesis.


    As for "now reading" I'm currently reading Carroll's Alice in Wonderland stories.


    Finished Dubliners and Libra. Also read Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicles and Oliver Sacks' Musicophilia in the last couple of weeks.


    murakami has this certain feeling of dread permeating through parts of his books. the feelings get intense during the more surreal / dreamlike parts (the bottom of the well / dream hotel scenes come to mind in wind-up bird). his plots seem very direct and simplistic at first, but that adds to the atmosphere of wrongness. or something.


    Heh, yeah. I find some of his work kind of Philip K. Dick-ian, like the Hard-boiled Wonderland and 1Q84 in a sense that there's two or more separate story lines or even different worlds that seem unrelated at first then start to converge towards the end.


    Also the male protagonists in his books seem to be sort of "lost" or antiheroic guys who interact with a cavalcade of strange female characters and that leads to bizarre and surreal situations. Somehow I can relate with that. :smile:


    Finished Dubliners and Libra. Also read Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicles and Oliver Sacks' Musicophilia in the last couple of weeks.


    Musicophillia, is it good? I would like more "in-depth" information about music and brain, and I've seen some reviews about that book and said a bit the opposite.


    It's mostly a sort of collection of patient histories regarding how neural disorders and damage affects musical perception, like tonality, timbre and rhythm either by heightening or by inhibiting them. Also some interesting notes on how music can be used as a tool for therapy for people suffering various neural disorders. It's not really an in-depth look into how music works in the brain. If you've read Sacks' "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" then it's kind of similar but the cases are musically themed.


    At one point he referenced Rouget's "Music and Trance: A Theory of the Relations Between Music and Possession" which seems interesting. I'll be probably getting this sometime.

  11. Just got home on friday from a two week trip and downloaded. I've listened it through three times so far. Absolutely brilliant. Bladelores has to be the most erotic Ae track yet. YJY UX is a magnificent psychedelic masterpiece. Those two stand out for me at this point.


    I miss the harder side of Ae though that I feel has been missing since Untilted. Especially noticed this because I've been listening to a lots of Grischa Lichtenberger and Team Doyobi lately. Exai is relatively soft compared to their output.


    Well, this was an interesting.. "beer". 32%.. There had to be at least two drinkers to legally get a bottle of this in a bar around here.


    Holy shit, was it even any good at that high of an ABV?

    It was like condensed beer. I like beers with relatively high ABV, something like 10-15%, but this was way over the top.

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