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Posts posted by zkom

  1. I'm reading Bram Stoker's Dracula and Guy Delisle's Jerusalem, which is great. I've read his Shenzhen, Pyongyang and Burma books before, all top notch.




    But beside those I'm also reading this fucker:


    It's a description of fundamental physical laws and mathematics needed to understand them in 1100 pages.. I'm kinda out of my depth with this one, I may just as well soon give up. The speed in which new ideas are introduced is breathtaking and his approach to some things is not really the most intuitive to say the least. Even when he's dealing with something relatively simple like Newtonian mechanics the mathematics get pretty heavy.

  2. Oh man, I like good basslines but there are so many. Liquid Liquid's Cavern and Squarepusher's Iambic 5 poetry are fucking great as mentioned previously.


    Good dub basslines are just heavenly:


    Also The Orb has many great ones Blue Room 12" version for example



    Slug Dub has pretty insane in the bass line:



    Also check out Jah Wobble:


    And of course P-Funk, especially Bootsy:


    George Clinton:

  3. Lol, also an Amber review mentions the Casio keyboards, but seemingly it's from a different guy:

    On the strength of the reviews for this and the other albums I hoped for something promising but instead it was a huge disappointment. The muzak lacks any soul, it is mind-numbing and very difficult to engage with.

    If you love electronica and casio keyboards then this is for you.

    Personally I would much rather listen to Ulrich Schnauss or the Dining Rooms.

  4. I've been thinking about joining the local zen group to practice some meditation. I've tried zazen at home on my own but some kind of outside help would be beneficial I think.


    I've also practiced tai chi chuan on and off for few years. It's a sort of meditation practice because the point is to clear your mind and concentrate on the movement and the breathing.

  5. i've always thought that pre Confield era autechre was good on tryptamines like LSD and Shrooms and any of their newer stuff
    LSD is not a Tryptamine it is an Ergoline and closer to a Phenethylamine than a Tryptamine.


    LSD contains the tryptamine backbone in its structure, so technically it is a tryptamine. But it's of course also ergoline.

  6. I really dig Latent Quarter. It builds up the beat, then disassembles it and then re-assembles the bits to a new beat. It's so crunchy and funky that it's almost impossible to stay still while it's playing.

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