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Posts posted by zkom

  1. I went to a horror movie festival this weekend. So, let's see..


    [REC 3] Genesis - I guess this was pretty OK. Entertaining at least. The last part was a bit silly. 6/10.

    The Phantom of the Paradise - Umm, pretty weird movie. A sort of remake of the Phantom of the Opera. Campy as hell. But mostly fun. 6/10

    Seeding of a Ghost - 80s Hong Kong horror. Oh man. This started as a soft porny film noir type of thing and changed into a splatter gorefest at some point and then went completely overboard with the whole thing. Fun as hell. 9/10.

    Sleep Tight - Rather nice movie. More psychological than the rest. 7/10.

    The Phantom of the Opera - This was the 1925 silent film with live orchestra playing the soundtrack. It was pretty good but I was a bit bored at some points. 6/10

    The Werewolf vs The Vampirewoman - Haha. Maximum camp. Everything was so bad starting from the script to the acting and cheap special effects. Loved it. 9/10 or 1/10.

    The Howling - 80s werewolf flick. Was fun. 7/10

    Excision - A disturbing movie about an angsty teenager. Lots of black comedy and gory at parts. Liked it. 8/10.


    Couple of other movies I saw this week

    Inglourious Basterds - Liked this. Was very entertaining. 8/10.

    Kick-Ass - I don't really understand why this gets so high scores? It started interestingly but then turned into pretty regular superhero action thing which I've seen enough for one lifetime. 5/10.

  2. Because my friends know I eat quite a lot of chilli they took me into this restaurant to eat a "death burger". Anyway, the "death" part comes from the amount of chilli in it. According to the waitress it had naga chillis and Blair's Death sauces in it. There was also this thing that I would get a T-shirt if I eat it within half an hour.


    So off I go munching it. It wasn't that bad at the beginning until I had eaten about one quarter. Then I started to get hiccups and my mouth was on fire. I cooled down a bit, drank some Leffe and continued eating, but then after I had eaten about half my arms started to get all tingly from the elbows to the hands and my stomach started to cramp. So I had to cool down a bit again. Then I finally got to continue and I got to a point that what was left was a little bit of the meat, some veggies and the fries but my stomach couldn't take it anymore. It felt like someone was squeezing it with hands. So I just gave up 3 minutes before the time ended.


    That's my manly hamburger story. :cisfor:

  3. recently i've noticed people eating sugar cubes. i asked one if she was diabetic.. nope


    I tend to eat sugar cubes if their within the hands reach but I don't really like go to eat them on purpose.. I just like anything super sweet.


    We used to do pancakes and waffles for cheap desserts back in the student days. And occasional blueberry or apple pie. My roomie left a huge amount of blueberries in the freezer when he moved out so me and my friend turned them into pies.


    Also I got some chilli-apple jam now in the fridge that's freshly made and won't last for too long. So if anybody knows a good use for it I'm up for suggestions.

  4. I haven't really played that much in the last two years. I had a few games in store that I haven't really played except for a few minutes. So, I decided to start with Eternal Darkness for GC and I'm playing it with Wii. The graphics are pretty horrible even for a 10 year old GC game but otherwise it looks promising. Liking the Lovecraftian vibe and looking forward to the "sanity effects". :crazy:

  5. Vineland was not the best of Pynchon but quite OK. After that I also read this, which was nice:



    Now trying to figure out what to read next from my shelf. Might go with Murakami's 1Q84.

  6. I've read Lot 49 and Inherent Vice and loved both, so I guess I'll probably like Vineland too. :smile:


    I've also read Gravity's Rainbow and V and enjoyed them too but they are quite a bit harder reads.. For example Inherent Vice seemed just to flow so smoothly that I could hardly put the book down. In comparison Gravity's Rainbow took some work to digest and I could only read it in short segments.

  7. speaking of covers, one of my pet peeves are books that have NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING XYZ plastered all over the front. I hate that shit. I've been trying to find a copy of Fight Club that doesn't have that but it's pretty much impossible here.


    I almost fell to pieces when I saw Jonathan Swift's original Gulliver's Travels with a cover picture from the Jack Black movie. :cisfor:


    Imagine some kid buying the book thinking it will be like the movie with Jack's goofy comedy and then getting 300 pages of commentary on 18th century British society. Mind you, it's a good book but that kind of marketing is way misleading. Well, maybe some kid is going to get educated by accident..

  8. I found Draft 7.30 the hardest Ae album to get into, maybe followed Quaristice. I don't know what is it, but there's something almost impenetrable for me in some of the beats that is not present in the other Ae albums.

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