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Posts posted by kaini

  1. jon 'advisory circle' brooks now has a blog too:



    Noticed that today- he's on Twitter as well: http://twitter.com/advisorycircle


    Ghost Box is becoming much less mysterious, in a good way of course....


    yup yup http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000248377551


    Sorry I keep posting in here (my new favorite "Featured Artist" subforum :happy: ), but I just happened to read this interview with Jim Jupp and he spoke to what the next release(s) on GB will be- it's better than we could have imagined!


    Along with disco, there is a hint of glam to the album, a faint trace of Roxy Music’s strange glitter.


    this is very insightful imo.

  2. i'd love to hear a completely blatant ghost box 'lovecraft' album. i mean eric zann was pretty close, but imagine a focus group/belbury poly imaginary soundtrack to at the mountains of madness, it would be unbelievably fucking amazing... actually imagine a non-imaginary new soundtrack to one of the quatermass movies, that would be just as good.

  3. now you need the advisory circle's other channels and belbury's the owl's map (infinitely superior to from an ancient star imo)

    and if you like fucked-up loops, everything the focus group (my favourite gbx) have released

    also go read some arthur machen and lovecraft, it helps

  4. didnt heard oversteps yet, no leaks etc. on waiting : the problem is sound quality : i want the real dumb audiophile thing : whether its bitrate or format, size does matter. on bonus trx on vinyl : Southern Lord (Sunno))) label) often release bonus tracks on the last side of vinyl (ambarchi, boris).


    including 'her lips were wet with venom' which took up a whole side of the boris/sunn o))) collab iirc. and is awesome.

  5. i introduced a good mate of mine to autechre through the oversteps promo on friday. he instantly fell in love, having not heard a minute's autechre before that (i knew he would, though. he owns a couple of shortwave radios so he can listen to numbers stations :emotawesomepm9:). then i sent him a youtube link to bine, and he didn't like it at all - but i wasn't expecting him to. and today i sent him lp5, which i just know he's going to fucking love.

  6. draft has the most overt hip-hop influence of any of their albums, i think. some places are like an awkwardly constructed robot b-boy made from mismatched parts with one leg longer than the other trying to get crunk. i painted my bathroom completely white once whilst listening to draft REALLY FUCKING LOUD. that was the day i fell in love with that particular album.


    now back to your regularly scheduled arguing about oversteps :facepalm:

  7. some of their older stuff sems to go on a bit too long, imo. stuff on tri rep or even chiastic, as awesiome as everything is, sometimes seem that the tracks are a bit too long. maybe im just being picky.


    the only albums i get this off are amber and incunabula, really.

    from garbage on, everything (mostly) 'sounds the right length'


    in fact garbagemx used be my favourite ae track for a long time, and they could not accomplish what they did in that track in less time than it took, if you get me.

  8. I'm sucking it up and listening again. Oh my fuck, I want to marry Treale.


    god damn, i fucking love autechre's music.


    ...and i'm listening to it again. curse you, n00b!

    read the rules or something.

    it's almost like the anti-game


    as a side-effect of this post, you just lost the game. but it's a small price to pay for another listen to oversteps :emotawesomepm9:


  9. It really does sound like a recorded spraycan doesn't it?

    As I pointed out before, "Krylon" is the trade name for the paint inside spray cans. So Oversteps might be a tagger's delight.


    yup yup. and that's what made me (re)think of it.

    there's always a few encoded b-boy things in there.

    god damn, i fucking love autechre's music.

  10. the track at 39:28 in the promo (still not really arsed figuring out track names), i wouldn't be surprised if the little bursts of pink noise were straight-up sampled aerosol (paint) spraycans. well b-boy :emotawesomepm9: - i've thought this from the very first time i heard the track. listen to the odd, irregular dynamics of the sound... it sounds very 'just sampled with a nice mic', with a human 'on the trigger' so to speak.

  11. Why do you guys keep goin on about bad quality? I was sent the 320 mp3's but I'm almost certain the original m4u file was 320 because it sounds leaps and bounds better than when I chopped it up in ableton and had to convert to 128.


    the m4a is very clearly transcoded to a higher bitrate than the one it was recorded at

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