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Posts posted by kaini

  1. true - people in the SA thread were basically pointing out that he was essentially a crazy pure, extreme abstraction of an SA goon*

    and there's definitely an element of truth to this



    *really though, insert your own favourite aspie-tastic internet craphole here**.

    **hell, i'm adding footnotes to posts on an internet forum. guilty as a next man.

  2. i actually kinda worry about ulillillia


    i think a couple of watmm people, a LOT of SA goons, maybe some 4chan etc people will buy his book

    people all over the fucking internet are fascinated by him


    and as a result he'll get an inflated sense of how good it is.


    but then again a good proportion of these people as borderline aspie/basement-dweller types will probably enjoy the shit out of it, too

    so actually i just don't know. if maddox can make a living out of what is essentially the same thing, why not?


    i'd just hate to see anonymous going chris-chan on him or something

  3. Strangely enough, I lost my motive for programming it right as I'm at the point where I can actually play the game. The biggest problem with programming, for a bit, was malloc. I couldn't get it to work for some unknown reason as I either got a bunch of errors or a bunch of warnings, no matter how I used the * and & icons. I got closer when I had the pointer in a struct, but after spending hours of converting to using malloc, I found that the whole program was glitching. Without even touching the code for window creation or windowclass creation, errors were occurring here. I'm thinking that it may be because I used an array of structs, each with the pointer in it. I just had an all-black display. Once I converted back to using global arrays, all the problems went away. I've pretty much given up on malloc


    why do i get the feeling he doesn't really know what he's doing with pointers or memory allocation?

  4. my favourite gbx release is belbury poly's the owl's map. i was full sure that was broadcast on scarlet ceremony. but mr. jupp assures me every note is him.


    can't decide between the focus group's hey let loose your love or the advisory circle's other channels for the #2 slot

    people like bibio and ghost box and porn sword tobacco... i see em taking directions i would have loved to have seen BoC take after geogaddi...

  5. i have retreated into dubbiness lately, too much aggressive midrange wobble or showing off how detuned your oscillators are.


    i wish digital mystikz would release something new, but i reckon that's not going to happen

    besides that, clouds, basic channel, and errm actual dub reggae (?) constitute the bassier portion of my listening.


    generally bored of dubstep but i quite enjoyed this one.


    i like this too (first bass thing in a while i've liked) - but i daresay all it reminds me of in a way is some similar early death-throes of DnB - watching originality slowly being subsumed under a big grey wave of formula. and the few things that were remotely interesting were often based on 'ethnic' samples, field recordings, or emulations thereof - same as this, and more and more shit (literally). that carmina burana thing a few pages back depressed t'fuck out of me.

  7. i was drunk at a party the other week and this guy was tellign me all about hiphop. west, east, south etc. i decided that dubstep was what happened when the uk digested hiphop and spat it back out.


    nah, that was essentially grime. then the grimey boys got together with the people making mutant instrumental 2-step garage (not that there was ever a clear division as such, we're often talking a grime track and a 'dark garage' mix on the flip of the same record) - if you have any interest in the origins of this stuff i urge you to check out horsepower productions' 'in fine style' (TEMPA001 iirc). And in less than two years there was a scene - I firmly maintain that the dubstep scene wouldn't exist without a zillion pirated copies of floops.


    if you want to prove that link i'd send the bloke durrty goodz' axiom EP, maybe my favourite UK hiphop release. every track on it has a different producer (from coki's fucking incredible dubstep joint 'take back the scene' to the jaw-dropping mini-mixtape track 'switching songs, part 2'). i love this EP, goodz is the best MC in the UK as far as i'm concerned.


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