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Posts posted by kaini

  1. something that is weird and sort of disturbs me in an unquantifiable way is that this is actually the first autechre release that does, in places, reminded me in any way of aphex twin. obviously, some of the melodies have that naive quality which dicky jimjams uses a lot. but also:




    what is a naive melody? Im really curious actually



    (edit: the camera work in this is fucking incredible)


    a simple, playful melody, often one that ignores harmonic/melodic rules.

    featured in a lot of electronic music, but done well by afx.

  2. Oversteps is one of their best albums imo


    Oh, you've heard the real album then? Awesome~!


    one of my favourite pastimes is watching people like you not post anymore once the album is released and the leak is proved real.

    there were about six of you guys around the time hello everything (unfortunately, mostly terrible) was released.


    I guess known(1) is good in a lol way. Maybe that's what Oversteps is mostly about. It's Autechre having a big old lol. It's an..erm... overstep, a step too far, using borrowed time. I thought before it'd be Oversteps as in 'screw you, we're next level, we're one step ahead.' But maybe it's more like, 'over did it there a bit, bit of a misstep, isn't it? Whoops - well, never mind, we're just havin' a laugh, innit?'


    i don't get lol from this... really. bits make me smile and it's a lot happier than other autechre, but nothing on it makes me lol like the fart noises on draft did.

  3. if you were the German radio DJ, would you have picked different tracks for your "exclusive preview thingie" than see on see and ilanders?


    i sure would have. r ess is a great opener… it severely bit my spine where it tickles on first listen and i would have played that first. then maybe 0=O because it's :wtf: .

    lol at the haters.


    lol, this is the first time i've had to wrestle with tracknames.

    seeing as there's loads of debate i'll add a description too; i would have played known(1) (harpischord track with much hate which i like very much) and treale (because it's llllllush).

  4. I think the comparisons to Plaid are a little unfair to Plaid. When Plaid use cheap MIDI-like bell sounds on their melodies, there's often something charming about it.


    if i was to deconstruct why plaid have a unique sort of sound i think it comes down to the fact that they have a weird, innate sort of understanding of some elements of music theory, especially some really cool circle of fifths/counterpoint stuff (in a similar way to the way that snares can effortlessly produce log after log of shit in 7/4 or 13/8).


    the real 'plaid quality' comes from two things:

    plaid will typically have two melodies going at once - a lead, and a backing. one or both are often in an odd and different-to-each-other meters, which produces polyrhythms

    the backing bass, pads or both will often cycle through four, five, or six different keys equally spaced on the circle of fifths whilst the lead stays in one key (sometimes vice versa). this produces nice/odd harmonies.


    together they produces that odd plaid thing where it's really difficult to tell what key it's in (you will know what i mean if you've listened to even one plaid album; as you would know this album is autechre if you've listened to even one autechre album).


    i don't think it's fair to plaid either. the melodies on oversteps have a similar 'wandering' quality, but for an entirely different reason; and that's where the comparison ends. plaid took the long, 'handmade' way round, and made it an artform along the way.


    which bits are the aphex twinny bits?


    the track at 24:20ish has whip-cracky noises very reminescent of omgyjyaswitch


    the beat in the track at 49:00ish is basically waendowlaecker...

    same track also has glitchy spectral stuff scattered throughout which are very reminescent of windowlicker and a stab at about 52:45 which is straight out of richardsville


    there are also other bits which remind me of too, if i could be arsed going through the album obsessively cataloguing them, which i am not.

  5. the new thing with this album is that it's autechre wanting to be your friend is all. so of course that's making people think of plaid and aphex twin.


    nope, i can see the plaid comparison as a vague sort of blanket covering all the melodies on the album

    but the aphex twinny bits, they're very specific. i can point out specific bits of tracks as being aphex twinnier than the rest, let's put it that way.

  6. something that is weird and sort of disturbs me in an unquantifiable way is that this is actually the first autechre release that does, in places, reminded me in any way of aphex twin. obviously, some of the melodies have that naive quality which dicky jimjams uses a lot. but also:


    the track at 24:20ish has whip-cracky noises very reminescent of omgyjyaswitch


    the beat in the track at 49:00ish is basically waendowlaecker...

    same track also has glitchy spectral stuff scattered throughout which are very reminescent of windowlicker and a stab at about 52:45 which is straight out of richardsville


    there are also other bits which remind me of too, if i could be arsed going through the album obsessively cataloguing them, which i am not.

  7. if you see kari tell her i'm going to fuck her and kill her, i just haven't decided in which order yet.

    she'll like that :emotawesomepm9:


    lol jk tell her she's awesome and i love her.

    i bet you she's never been told a guy on the internet loves her before.


    edit: you probably haven't seen her because up until recently enough she was off forming babby

  8. I just don't get why warp does no give away the digital files right now... The are obviously there as there are promos... Maybe they want as much radio plays as possible before everybody gets it


    my guess is it has little to do with Warp and more to do with Ae's personal wishes. Warp has never to my knowledge held back samples this long before a highly anticipated release.

    Hudson Mohawke 'Butter' had an album sampler long before it leaked, Totem's Flare did as well. Squarepusher put a full track from JAS on his myspace a half of a year before JAS came out.


    going by initial reports of what it sounds like, i'm inclined to agree with you. maybe the boys regard this one as something special, a magnum opus

  9. Someone should plug all the quotes about various albums into the albums wiki pages. There are some good nuggets in these interviews


    "It gets more cohesive and succinct. That's obviously been framed by interaction with the crowd. Things were occurring in more concise positions, and we'd learned how to get the most out of each bit before we moved onto the next one, in shorter time."


    "We were left with the residue of two years of influence and input and development, and then we could be completely self-indulgent in the studio. But it felt like we were making something really sharp."


    (On how the crowds at gigs influenced the source material for Quaristice)



    "Apperciation of music is instinct, it's innate," asserts Booth."You know what a large metallic changing sound represents probably at the age if six months, Whether it's in tune or the production sounds sweet. it's all innate. That's become more and more interesting to me."


    Getting into music psychology territory. Interestingly about 6 years ago it was listening to AE that started me thinking along the lines of musical psychology in relation to evolution and culture. Although its hard to find material on this! Also mentioned are ideas of music in relation to memory recall and what would happen if this ability is not present (Ae mention drugs, but there are other ways of achieving temporary tabula rasa mindstates). You normally get shouted down for discussing shit like this so it's cool to find snippets in this interview. :braindance:


    and a druggy misquote for fun:

    there are moments when we're both on X, and that's when it really works. We try to catch those apexes.


    Right enough bs for one day :cisfor:



    if you want an ae wiki, message this guy: http://autechre.wetpaint.com/

    he is the heir of 'the words of autechre', a previous wiki i contributed to here or there.

    i would hope that an expansion of scope would be easy and have many willing contributors maybe.

  10. also quite interesting part


    De:Bug: What do you think about “marketing” ideas like this one thing that happend to you´re album long before it was out. Somebody posting your album tracks with the right names with completely false tracks of other people on Napster.

    Sean: Wonder who that was?

    De:Bug: You know the guy?

    Sean: No, not personally. After Warp accepted the album I had a list of tracktitles that i posted on the net to a little newsgroup, an Autechre discussion list, to see what happens. And thats what happened. I`ve got so many of our livesets that I have napstered. I think that Napster is actually quite good. I am quite into it. I never bother to record anything that we do. And it is just wicked to just go on there and get all of our livesets. All the kids with minidiscs and stuff have archived them and put them up there. I fucking appreciate it. I don´t have any problem with it, it´s quite a good thing. I mean if they are selling them to each other, that stinks cause I am not into people making money off it. But if they are just trading and stuff it´s fucking well, it´s what I did when I was at school and did not have enough money to buy records. I just had tapes. What I`ve done is that I retitled some of the livesets with tracknames of our album and left them on Napster for a couple of months. But nobody downloaded them. I was quite disappointed. But the files were so massive. All really highbitrate as well. It is quite amusing that somebody else did it as well. And they were quite well known tracks wasn´t it? I quite like that. It´s probably someone I know.

    De:Bug: Yeah. Seems like the one who did it said that he explicitly choose tracks that sound close to Autechre, and that people liking Autechre should know. But nobody seemed to identify them.

    Sean: So a lot of people think they have the album when they haven´t got it at all. Thats quite clever. Who did it then? Probably the label. I can imagine Warp doing something like that, they are pretty sneaky.

    De:Bug: They said they didn´t. They wanted to do something similar though.

    Sean: Same thing for me. But it did not work. With Napster you really got to be online all of the time to have people downloading stuff from you. And I could not be bothered to find somebody who is, because then it would have been their total responsiblitiy, wich would not have been nice. Loads of musicians use Napster to hype their own stuff anyway. Fucking mad. Its like: Oh well, I`ve got these slightly less good remixes of my stuff so I put them on Napster first so that people think they have my new single before I release my actual new single wich is better cause it´s got more edits in it and a few more DSP eccentries, bonus bits, it´s like this old hiphop thing of buying a remix 12″ with a couple of extra little edits in it. Got too much to do though. Too much music to make.


    Sean: Yes, I can download it later. Can´t wait to get home and look what has been uploaded. Audio Galaxy is getting pretty healthy as well. It is probably better for weird music, because as soon as the news came out about Napster all the weirder stuff came up on Audio Galaxy.




    god, i loved audiogalaxy

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