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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 12 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    if Pence fucks this up, he should be tried for treason


    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk


    pence is about to fuck this up


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Pence defies Trump, says he can’t claim ‘unilateral authority’ to reject electoral votes that will make Biden president.


    patriots peacefully breaching through capital building


    • Confused 1
  2. Quote

    Researchers from Penn State University are examining a signal that was detected by a radio telescope pointed at Proxima Centauri. It is the Milky Way's neighbouring small star and is part of the Alpha Centauri. The radio signal was originally picked up in April and May 2019. In an interaction with The New York Times, Sofia Sheikh, a graduate from Penn State, and the lead author of the study, stated that the signal is some sort of technological signal, but the question is whether it is Earth tech or from somewhere else.


  3. 33 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio arrested yesterday for burning a BLM sign at a DC church, he also had 2 high capacity magazines on him, so now weapons charges as well. Good thing this was timed to keep him off the streets tomorrow, hopefully.


    not sure why, but the first thing i thought was he had purposely tried to get arrested to avoid any responsibility for anything that happens tomorrow- either for himself or the entire proud boys. there's still a lot of high energy for tomorrows MAGA march with full marching orders from general T

    also: a co-worker of mine who is pretty MAGA has a wife who has gone full blown MAGA now claiming that "she just has to be in DC tomorrow" after watching the country she loves be stolen before her eyes. my guy is now stuck betwix a rock and a hard place as he tries to calm his wife down (she's trying to find flights) and remain loyal to the party of patriots. 

    • Like 1
  4. 51 minutes ago, auxien said:

    any way i'll be curious to hear what sort of evidence if any he has to push this claim, just given his status as the chair or whatever of Astronomy at Harvard i'm guessing he's not a total loon or just suddenly off his rocker.

    yeah this is my position as well. i almost feel like i want to believe him given his status as the frank baird jr. professor of science at harvard university,  chairman of the harvard's department of astronomy (2011-2020) and director of the Institute for theory and computation (since 2007) within the harvard-smithsonian center for astrophysics.

    although, this also gives me slight déjà vu of the time when shinichi mochizuki (another erudite professor type) couldn't answer a simple yes or no as to whether he is satoshi nakamoto

  5. Quote

    An extraterrestrial object skimmed through space close to Earth in 2017, wrote a Harvard University astronomer, Avi Loeb, in a book to be published this month. It was the first sign of intelligent life outside Earth, according to Loeb.

    Scientists at a Hawaiian observatory saw "an object soaring through our inner solar system, moving so quickly that it could only have been from another star," according to the marketing summary for the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt book, "Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth."


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