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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. Dick Raaijmakers - The Complete Tape Music of Dick Raaijmakers


    early electronics by dutch tape-pioneer and sound scientist. some really good blips and various blops dancing all around the noise spectrum; at times it sounds kind of muddy (canon 1-5 are pretty much static plonks) but there are also a couple of interesting jingle-type songs along the way with a much loser and playful structure. if you dug 'manhattan project inc.' you might dig this as well

  2. Yep. I heard they were working on a remake of that too.


    I don't mind so much that Scott, Cameron, Lucas or Spielberg might want to revisit their old films, but going anywhere near Kubrick is fucking disgraceful. If they ever remake The Shining I would have to stop watching Hollywood films.


    it's a shame it would have to get to that for you to stop watching hollywood films. if you didn't watch the current output, they wouldn't see it profitable to even consider re-making the film in the first place

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