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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. Just played my second noise show. Highlights include me inadvertently cutting my hand and bleeding all over my pedals in the second half.


    good show. and you looked like you were having a good time.


    i miss the days when Noise musicians were all trying to outdo each-other on being disgusting slobby people who don't give a fuck with 'extreme' views. COCK Esp is a perfect representation of that era


    i think they still do- not so much with 'extreme' views but certainly on the "being disgusting slobby people" eg. that haters

    they did a performance in the netherlands in the late 80s where they sat with their backs to the audience watching blank static on an analog television set. doesn't get more intense than that imo



  2. franz falckenhaus' stories from my cold war: very intriguing warm ambient electronic music that serves as 'a rainy and melancholic infiltration into the romantic darkness of international espionage.' i almost wish legowelt would re-do these songs with some better analogue equipment as some of it sounds as though it's coming from a vintage commodore 64 video game instead of a more serious film or television soundtrack as implied by the tracklisting

  3. can't believe there are people who would pay to watch 'man of steel'. i haven't watched a superman film since the christopher reeves ones and i even thought those were too many superman films. then i watched 1 episode of lois and clark (with dean cain) and realized superman isn't believable when it's not christopher reeves.

  4. wtf is that photo? someone retouch her head on something? is it supposed to be funny and I'm missing it?


    it's supposed to be funny because kim k is rumored to be a whore (having made her career from being romantically linked with various male figures) and thus- her vagina is loose so her birth was effortless. also, she's happy because she has a baby as babies increase one's happiness by a factor of 70%.

  5. 990PJdm.jpg




    The electronic music studio of the University Of Melbourne was Established in it's present form in 1973 with the aid of a grant from the Gulbenkian Foundation, At it's heart is a Synthi 100 analogue synthesiser, Made by EMS of London, Linked to a PDP 11/10 Computer. The studio serves as a work shop for composers, as well as providing teaching facility for the University's Faculty Of Music; In addition, research is taken into Analogue hybrid and direct sound synthesis.


    while you might imagine something in the realm of bbc's radiophonic workshop, this is actually more like dick raaijmaker's output for the philips research laboratories except (maybe) a little more structured. 6 tracks of gorgeously cold and wobbly electronics occasionally blasting out rays of noise.


    seriously mind-bending stuff

  6. Hugo - 9/10 what a great film, watched this in 3D and loved it. Kingsley, Cohen, and Christopher Lee were excellent. CG was great as well, it really brought me back to my film school days.


    you had cg in film school?

  7. a2722643893_2.jpg





    A noise tribute to David Lynch's Twin Peaks. Featuring: Newton (Philly) Vomir (France) Inappropriate King Live (Justin Marc Lloyd) (Chicago) Dead Body Collection (Serbia) Vasectomy Party (Florida) Small Hours (U.K.) Lovebrrd (Florida) Goghal (Belgium) Subversive Intentions (Maine) Sleep of Ages (Brazil) Italics (Philly)


    says its sold out (shame) but you can still listen to it @ link above


  8. GBX709+600.jpg



    The Next Ghost Box Study Series 7" and download, Number 9: "Projections", is due out on 28th June.


    New York's Listening Center enrol for the Study Series and present a powerful analogue electronic epic, Titoli. Pye Corner Audio appear on the B side and take Listening Center's "Town of Tomorrow" for a spin across the dusty dancefloor of a deserted dance hall.




    this sounds really really really good

  9. various artists (?) - applied music vol.1 - science & nature: jon brooks nerds out with a library music style album for documentary films packaged similar to bruton releases but sounding more like something from either apollo sound or pastoral parry music.


    the focus group - elektrik karousel: hands down the best focus group release, and (imo) slightly removed in terms of concept from the other ghost box releases. also, no logotones this time.

  10. The more I look into Lucas and his story the more I feel disappointed. He made an amazing film THX1138 but then made the Star Wars films which messed him up. Why couldn't he have continued to make films like THX1138? Could have been amazing.


    because those kind of movies don't make as much money as star wars. and i think star wars was something he wanted to do. i know he wanted david lynch to direct 'return of the jedi' but lynch just couldn't get it and told him he should direct it himself, but lucas doesn't like directing. similarly, he didn't want to direct indiana jones even though he created that character.


    and even though i've never been a fan of star wars, i don't think he messed it up. he created it. he can (or could) do anything with it, because he created that universe.

  11. I made a promise to myself and the universe to punch Tim Burton in the face after seeing his Willy Wonka raping. Luckily I could not a give a shit about the Oz series.



    why did you watch the movie? did you think it would be good? tim burton has never been a good director, so why do you blame him for doing what he inevitably has to do- make a shit film.


    i personally like george lucas a lot. he created a film that i don't like but made it successful. i think the worst decision he's made thus far has been to sell star wars to disney, but making shit films and getting a bunch of people to go watch them is genius. i can't imagine any director not envying him.


    Great Gatsby - What happens when you give Baz Luhrmann too much CGI budget, old spor'. Nothing new here, just a shitty assortment of Luhrmann tropes already hashed out in the last four films, but this time round it's drowning in gobs of that slimy, soul-removing CGI icing.


    *opening scene of extravagant party*

    *cover of bad pop song juxtaposed with historical setting*

    *well-dressed, beautiful people supposedly in love but instead are stiff and hyper-sterile*

    *barely any sex that is arousing*

    *actually zero sex*

    *why is there no sex*

    *close-up of leo's puffy, "crying is for poor people" face*






    if you saw that film in theaters then you just help them earn their money back which means they will work again on something similar: like jay z is already producing a remake of annie

  13. 'blurred and suffering with tears' is 380gb

    'like a wall in which an insect lives and gnaws' is 3.9tb


    both as 192kb mp3


    they also have a song titled '287n' which is 87,708,958,333,333hrs 20min (87 trillion hrs or just under 10 years) and 1.3zettabytes. i think that's currently their longest track

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