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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by gmanyo

  1. Just bought a bunch of used books: Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamatsov, The Fountainhead, and a short stories collection of which I have only read The Hunger Artist by Kafka. Kafka's a great writer, and I like his short stories because they're really short.

  2. I always remember this one about Gantz Graf from NME - http://www.nme.com/r...s/autechre/6602


    Autechre records are purchased solely by bald men in expensive anoraks who would masturbate to a car alarm if it was re-mixed by a German. This impenetrable curtain of misanthropic noise - released with an accompanying three-track DVD that features a squabble of hopelessly pretentious video "interpretations" - is typical of the menopausal electro-manglers' dogged refusal to bow to convention and produce anything of interest to anyone not either a) bald or b) German. It bleeps. It skronks. It krrraaaanks. But mainly, it blows like a ruddy awful hurricane. Remember, kids; if it sounds like a festering hillock of tune-shy bum-wank, it's because it IS a festering hillock of tune-shy bum-wank. Avoid as you would a bald German.


    And yes, this was the actual review - printed onto paper and circulated nationally !


    whoever wrote that should be shot. by a bald German.


    Ha, wow. That's pretty bad.


    Some people think Gantz Graf is super insane and out there (this guy clearly), but it's relatively accessible compared to Autechre's other stuff; not because it's less complicated, but because it's more obvious what they were going for. It has zero subtlety.

  3. Been getting into HP Lovecraft recently. Currently reading his 'The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories' which I got from the local library.

    Short stories which are chilling and atmospheric. Proper horror stuff. I highly recommend it.


    There's a great text adventure called Anchorhead inspired by Lovecraft. Very atmospheric. There are a whole bunch of text adventures out there that are just as well written as good books.


    Here's a review of Anchorhead. I would suggest at least trying it; it's like walking around in a Lovecraft novel.

  4. norwegian wood lol

    What's wrong with norwegian wood? It's an awesome book.

    I really wish I could find the first two books of "the trilogy of the rat".


    I was just making an immature sex joke. It actually sounds like a really good book.

  5. I really wish I could read books still, but I'm too damn lazy. Any good books to suggest that are short but good? Like, novella length. Maybe I should try The Stranger again.

    if that's how you feel about reading, don't read

    I feel that reading is great, but I'm not persistent with anything I do. I was doing a music video for Lloop at one point (fan one, not official, although I did get his approval) and it was going great but production has essentially stopped. I'd love to finish a book or two every now and then.

  6. I really wish I could read books still, but I'm too damn lazy. Any good books to suggest that are short but good? Like, novella length. Maybe I should try The Stranger again.

  7. Tried reading Kafka on the Shore once and didn't get very far; I think I'll try again sometime. I can't finish anything these days. I've read quite a few of his short stories, though, and they're really good.


    i do like murakami's short stories but never seem to get into his novels. started wind up bird chroniclesand couldn't keep going. i've heard that his new novel 1Q84 is really good but reading that 900+ page behemoth is not an option at the moment.


    So Ulysses is out of the question then?

  8. I can't freaking finish books anymore. It's aggravating. The last time I read a significant portion of any book was Notes from Underground, and somehow I didn't even finish that. I was getting into The Trial for awhile, but it was on someone else's Kindle. Also finished most of Slaughterhouse Five.


    Well, I'll be joining the DFW club—after I wrap up Kafka on the Shore, The Infinite Jest is the next on my reading list I think.


    Tried reading Kafka on the Shore once and didn't get very far; I think I'll try again sometime. I can't finish anything these days. I've read quite a few of his short stories, though, and they're really good.

  9. I want to form a band called "The Beatles". Whenever someone tells us that that name is already taken we'll act clueless. If that fails, "The Beatles 2" is also a pretty good name.



    How many times has Com Truise been mentioned alread?

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