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Posts posted by Roo

  1. On 10/14/2020 at 11:27 PM, Roo said:

    Is that th red a at the bottom layer of the artwork?

    maybe there’ll be a th blue e on the next one?

    SIGN has vowel i. PLUS* has vowel u. the artwork is ae. but the 'clipsed layering reverbs a vowel o. Both are recognised terms. In other words, a sly dig at those who anticipate a gibberish/gobbledygook computerised tracklist (although you still get that).

    The consonants recall some of the compound lettering conventions used in the NTS tracklist.

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  2. My live broadcast take on psin AM was the victory exposition theme of a video game immediately after defeating the big bad, a bit like talking to Professor Oak after beating the elite 4 or something along those lines.

    Today I'm imagining some grim mechanised sword & sandal duel in a low gravity airless setting like the Moon. Where your exertions are committed to and you probably know you are going to unavoidably cop a cut seconds before the blade hits (akin to operating remotely with seconds delay), yet you still battle on manfully in a slo-mo tableau fight to the death. Then after the battle, the mortally wounded final bearer of humanity feels grace and steps into the enlightened r cazt finale. We're a finite speck in this colossal expanse but we were something to cherish and acquitted ourselves well.

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  3. 14 hours ago, dingformung said:

    This looks so fucking Australian. Do you often get cassowary visits? 

    Not really, rare that you come across a cassowary within my street, but you do sometimes see them around when driving, bushwalking or on out-of-town properties. A bit like a kangaroo in this part of the country.

  4. Very tropical here, I'm about a day north of the tropic of capricorn, rainforest country, get the wet season. The lowest temperature this year was about 11 Celsius one night during winter. Only downside really is that you need to keep more on top of mould in this climate with proper air circulation/humidity control and maintaining at-risk items.

    Yeah I kind of go mad in green-malnourished places. SereneGreen.

  5. Backyard is dug up at the moment for a pool that is being put in (you can see that hole behind the lipstick palms, up to concreting stage now (single day skatepark at my place lol)). Sporting field yonder is a favourite haunt of the elusive but enchanting stone bush curlews from dusk to dawn.

    pics a week apart



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  6. Still no CD, which means the 19th at the earliest ?

    If you want to get a CD out to remote Australia, then dispatching 8 days beforehand during Covid probably isn't going to cut it. Still, digitals are noice as fallback. Just irritating when you preorder something several weeks out and just know it won't get there on time.

  7. A couple years ago I made a playlist of most of their "y-" tracks (y7, ylm0, yulquen, YJY UX & Yuop in that order). In retrospect that would work well as a chill mood sampler for the uninitiated. That is the only ae playlist I've really cared to retain, the rest don't get ongoing mileage.


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