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Posts posted by Roo

  1. I mostly just get a blue aquatic upper atmosphere beluga vibe from SIGN, and the sense it would make a cool gameboy soundtrack.

    I think we’ll look back on this as the beginning of the late phase of their career.

    • Farnsworth 1
  2. 3 hours ago, ooqpoo said:

    Kid A brings back memories. The anticipation of where they were gonna go after Ok Computer and the sobering suprise that was Kid A. Such an autumny album, warm yet distant and subdued. SIGN also seems to have that wistful autumny feel to it. 

    It's also ten years since Oversteps, which was similarly a relatively short release with more focus on chill than bangers. 

    I remember it being released and debuting atop the album charts. But I was 11 and with no singles it was hard to know what to make of it, what it might sound like. I didn’t get into Radiohead proper until 2005 (this would be very close to the album’s 15th anniversary for me actually). I was very hyped for the Wolfmother debut and was looking to pick this up around the same time after a recent sensational experience with OKC and the Bends. Kid A was the very first album I played on my first iPod, and I still have that CD in my car. 

    3rd for me behind OKC & IR. I preferred Amnesiac in my youth, and it still isn’t far off. HTDC is my most preferred RH track.


    I come from the Southern Hemisphere and I tend to associate Kid A with sweltering weather. Oversteps has always been pastoral to me more than seasonal. Thinking back, it was one of the first new releases of the decade for me. Heligoland was 1st and then I picked up Broken Bells at a similar time. I was already referencing/using WATMM then.

  3. An interesting comparison is that this month is the 20th anniversary of Kid A, which itself had a sister sessions album follow 8 months later. Those were both a new era departure for RH, and in the context of ae it was a key shout-out which nurtured a new audience. Kid A & SIGN both with the 4 letters.

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  4. 7f0b21daa886eacb39cc95a1dd6c1342b8ed587d

    5 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

    Geez, I thought I wrote a pretty thoughtful post, but maybe people just skimmed it or I somehow misspoke. Either way - to recap or clarify my contributions so far: 

    The "Polarized" bit was a joke (obv?) and an exaggeration for sure: there are always opposing sides when it comes to this stuff. I see that most people are actually pretty evenly mixed about this one.

    "Disappointing" is a 100% subjective term and I meant it as nothing more than that ?‍♀️

    And my whole point was about being aware that my relationship to this album will evolve over time and that as a dedicated fan I will give it that time and attention. 

    It wasn't directed at you, it was more defending than anything else.

    • Thanks 1
    • Burger 1
  5. Users should be able to post their o'er & under whelms freely. For most of us, the implicit truth is that we love anything from these guys, and compared to their last 3 releases this is more of a samey throughline piece and less buffet for all. Exaggerating 'disappointment' or 'divisiveness' or initial 'comparison' is cringe.

    On one hand, I love that we got an album of this and have had this on constant spin since premiere, and the last time we had an album this airtight was arguably Untilted. On the other hand if this was Exai in 2013 I think you would have expected a few melts then. I think most seasoned ae listeners are also able to grasp their music quite quickly now (elyc6 0nset was the only grower exception for me in the last half decade, the rest you kind of get a handle on rapidly). Grower'chre still does happen (the amount of recent material in particular kind of demands pockets of belated appreciation), but it was more of a learning curve earlier in (our experience of the) discography, and our expectations aren't as beholden to the prior release given we know their existing scope and all its avenues.

    Anyway, just taking a captain obvious for the team, carry on and just enjoy.

    • Like 6
  6. 5 hours ago, zkom said:

    So, the Lego Feet album is generally not considered an Autechre album? I'd say it's better than Incunabula or Amber, especially the 74min re-release.

    Context I guess. Most of us would include Lego, EPs, Lives, maybe even Gescom and bootlegs, etc. but this old thread has generally discussed the 'albums'. There are several release cycles of updated lists in this thread. Ideally, over time it would document shifting tastes among WATMMers (as well as the initial reception).

  7. 1. Untilted

    2. Confield

    3. Amber

    4. Chiastic Slide

    5. NTS Sessions 1-4

    6. Exai

    7. Draft 7.30

    8. Quaristice

    9. Tri Repetae

    10. Oversteps

    11. Elseq 1-5

    12. SIGN (tentative, only coupla listens, but feels about right for now)

    13. Incunabula

    14. LP5

  8. First impression is that this might be a bottom 3 ae album for me (with LP5 and bits of elseq)

    But haven't slept much since the announcement so what would I know. Hope further listens in lossless/physical floor me silly.

  9. psin AM sounds like a victory theme like you've just beaten the final boss and some characters are giving you congrats exposition, credits to follow in r cazt

    Has a vague ghostly lighthouse apparition dragonite stumblin home from the pub feelin

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