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Posts posted by dumplings

  1. I love that we get to insta-download these straight away, SunRahb know how to treat their peons.


    Won't get to listen tonight but I'm putting this straight on my ipod for tomorrows commute. Can't wait judging on the reactions!

  2. In general, whenever I see an email from Warp or Bleep, my eyebrows raise any my heartrate increases in anticipation.


    Seeing these Autechre emails come through my inbox has me somewhere between euphoria and sh**%^ng my penis and balls.

    With the amount of shit that comes through to my email, this pretty much, verbally speaking, is legitness.
  3. Back to The Thick of It and I've just witnessed a special episode that I skipped before, 'Spinners and Losers'. It's got to be one of, if not the best episode in the whole series. The Jamie and Malcolm power struggle is phenomenal watching. Love Julius and Glenn as a side and the whole episode mounts up so well you feel like you're swept up amongst the shitstorm, amazing.

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