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Posts posted by Lewps

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but I've been doing a bit of visual stuff with Jitter in Max and took a short video.


    I had the shapes and lighting controlled by music, but I had no way of recording the audio. The framerate was also shit because I had to record from an external screen record application, which didn't do too well for my computer on top of the Jitter and MSP stuff that was going on.

    great! this is something i'm interested in using Max for, nice result.


    Thanks a lot every mate nah Peace I didn't draw The Flashbulb but the next hundred studies will be of him, dedicated to you!


    Dedicate it to him, dude, cuz he would love that. Do it, then e-mail it to him. Hold on- Imma let him know this major dedication project is in the works for him, so he can be further inspired to create more scene changing choonage. Lemme just call him on his toll free number on the back of his album here..... where is it... Right: 1-800-WANKER.


    dunno why people on WATMM give the fleshbulb alotta hate he aint that bad


    also i drew this earlier in the year


    head by lnatko, on Flickr


    cool Ragnar ill have to download Fractal Explorer, that's what you used right??


    I drew this cat last year


    16208860817_d74a338f76_k.jpgcat by lnatko, on Flickr

    Pencil? It looks like an etching. Great anyway.

    Yeahh just pencil, i'm not the best with them so i stuck to what i know and only used one gradient. I plan to do more animals in this style, drawing this taught me a lot.

    also thx a lot.

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