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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Lane Visitor

  1. Also, we'll never learn the simple truth that responding to his lunacy only feeds it. I dont know how you fight a tyrant or oppressive regime/culture in 2018, but I know it's not through criticism, eye rolling, hashtagging, retweeting. Social media has the potential to mobilize and change the world, and it has. But it can't be used as a catch-all template to speak out and create change. I can't stress enough how our im-over-it critique of trump has given him the incredible power he has today. Much like a Kardashian, much like a Kanye, much like a Paris Hilton. We roll our eyes but we WANT to see it, hear it, feel it. We want to feel the obnoxious energy he emits. Because it's potent and nothing more. He's the Hollywood mafia boss, we know we hate him, but we love to watch the wreckage. We love to chime in and be a part of it all. We've made him a god. He is our own making. We're all just looking in the mirror, that's all it really is.

  2. So I started reading Fahrenheit 451 having never gotten around to it as a teenager or college student, and I feel like one of those clinging onto find meaning and truth to no avail in real life but more as a private act of rebellion. I can't even fathom being an academic or intellectual under a full-fledged regime as people are and have been elsewhere.


    I think I might just bow out altogether, this thread included. The futility of it all. Desire to move offline into the middle of nowhere is high.



    I hear you, there is a futile feeling of it all, especially considering this trumpism thing seems to only be growing and normalizing. Theres this sentiment... Like hey, if it's not recycled into a meme, you've wasted the opportunity to cash in on it... Or... Don't get angry bro, it is what it is... If that's the way our generation and the ones around us handle apathy/frustration, (purely through irony and absurdity) then fuck us, revolution as we know it is dead. Discourse is dead. Intellectualism is dead. We can't even turn our frustration into goddamn art (and no, memes are not art, they're social media attention-grabs wrapped in adolescent humor--with the rare exception of tasteful absurdity--nothing more). We used to be what I'd consider one of the greatest generations, if not, the greatest.
  3. My fav was Abundance10 up until yesterday when mt1 started to grow on me ever since.


    I think mine is:








    Fucking hard to say... In a few days Abundance may be my fav again. It's easily the most sublime like many of you guys have said.


    I put on Syro yesterday and realized how contained and compressed it is, especially (what I still refer to as) Metz track haha... It's definitely for when I'm wanting background Aphex, relaxation music that's still sorta funky, a washed out kind of groove that's still heady. but thinking I like collapse better. It's so theatrical and big sounding-opposite of what I felt all his Syro and post-Syro work was. Honestly, it's only weakpoint imo is that it's an EP not an LP lol.

    I feel the same about Syro. "Background Aphex" is a good way of describing it for me. Something about the overall mix and sound of it leaves me a bit cold. All the right elements are there but I don't get a buzz off it like I do with Collapse.

    Totally... Just listened to Collapse again, that way that track 1 just glides over you is so fresh. The whole EP is so futuristic, I think we're sure to look back at it over time in the way we saw Drukqs, very next level, potent and rich.

  5. Reporting in a bit late, but I got the ltd vinyl on release day (ordered from AFX store) and it sounds great. No defects this end, or no obvious ones at least. Guess I just got lucky.


    Regardless, the EP itself is killer. Easily the best post-Syro release, can't decide if it's on par with/better than Syro yet.


    1st 44 and pthex are my favourites at the mo. Lush lush lush!

    Agreed. Yeah I'm trying to figure that out myself, Syro vs collapse... To me they're so different it's hard to rate, I put on Syro yesterday and realized how contained and compressed it is, especially (what I still refer to as) Metz track haha... It's definitely for when I'm wanting background Aphex, relaxation music that's still sorta funky, a washed out kind of groove that's still heady. but thinking I like collapse better. It's so theatrical and big sounding-opposite of what I felt all his Syro and post-Syro work was. Honestly, it's only weakpoint imo is that it's an EP not an LP lol.


    On another note, can you guys imagine if SAW III was officially announced?





    I love it. So good. Like Drukqs but made with his new setup and workflow.

    I don,t understan why everyone is compairing this to drukqs.... To me it sounds nothing like that
    With you on this. Just listened to drukqs and not putting 2 & 2 together. Bad ears?
    Several similarities I think .. the beats have many chopped and splintered parts and give off a furious headfuck feeling. Also both albums share some of those melancholy pad progressions. But to me they're more different than similar. Collapse is more like some creepy club for aliens / AI in a future dystopian city, and theyre telling us about some hidden portal promising humans transcendence, whereas Drukqs is like an opus written by machines telling a story of them falling apart and dying out in nature somewhere.

    Whether or not I agree w/ the bolded part, I absolutely LOVE that this music made you conjure up these images. Really lovely words/thoughts m8.


    Yeah, in part it's the hyperactivity of the tracks that I think gives me the Drukqs vibe. I threw on some Syro and Drukqs tracks to compare, and what these tracks have is the warmth and analogue-y feel of Syro mixed with the mental hyperspeed organization of Drukqs. It sounds (to my ears) like a evolution incorporating everything that has come before, with new techniques thrown in - which is why it's so exciting.


    It's like this: These tracks are so incredibly packed with detail, that (like my favorite Drukqs tracks), I am sure that I will still be discovering new things even a year down the road (ala Ziggomatic 17, Mt. Saint Michel, etc.)

    Thanks, cheers T! Yeah totally agree with your assessment there too. I get the feeling I will be revisiting this one ola lot. It's so much fun and yet goes so deep. You can also tell he made these more recently, nothing rehashed or revisited, no outtakes here. Hoping for a full length!!



    I love it. So good. Like Drukqs but made with his new setup and workflow.

    I don,t understan why everyone is compairing this to drukqs.... To me it sounds nothing like that

    With you on this. Just listened to drukqs and not putting 2 & 2 together. Bad ears?

    Several similarities I think .. the beats have many chopped and splintered parts and give off a furious headfuck feeling. Also both albums share some of those melancholy pad progressions. But to me they're more different than similar. Collapse is more like some creepy club for aliens / AI in a future dystopian city, and theyre telling us about some hidden portal promising humans transcendence, whereas Drukqs is like an opus written by machines telling a story of them falling apart and dying out in nature somewhere.

  8. I still don't think it's game changing in any way nor does it bother me. All jokes aside, I think someone like RDJ has beyond proven his commitment to creating music for music's sake and has innovated the space entirely to the point where countless artists draw inspiration from his work. Artists like him who have put in their time and work to give us such awesomeness don't need to pledge allegiance to anything (whether that's an uber underground label, political/economic philsophy or some sort of rigid punk rock tenet that dictates what selling out entails) simply to prove something to their fanbase.


    If Aphex decided to produce a track for One Direction tomorrow, I'd be a little offended lol (well maybe more than a little offended), but I wouldn't judge his choice nor be less of a fan of his work.



    Plus u guys would have said the same thing if you were an adult during the time when come to daddy got onto MTV... Collapse has some mainstream appeal, so it's gonna get some mainstream promo, who cares lol

    No. That's not the same, not even remotely. But nice try!




    Expand on how this is so utterly different...


    Yeah but labels gotta sell records, pressure everywhere. Amazon owns us all now

    To be fair, Warp doesn't need and never has needed Amazon to sell records. Especially from one of their biggest signings.


    Is there a precedent for Warp doing sponsored tie-ins like this with previous releases?

    For all we know Amazon could have bought a majority of warp at this point lol

  11. wow guys can we cut the autistic record quality and this is footwork talk please?


    fucking boring esp when we have a great great ep on our hands

    Rich, is this you?? ?

    Man today getting out of bed, I slammed the door on my FOOT ... WORK has been hard today ever since.

  12. Guys sorry to come off as a jackass there... I agree I can be pretty ridiculous with my ranting ? I don't have anything against footwork by any means, I actually love some of it, I just get annoyed how people seem to like to type out the "juke & footwork" thing on internet forums as if it's a brand new concept or get on the bandwagon for some obscure cultural credit.


    My watmm mates don't bother me on it, it's more the vaporwave Facebook groups that like to drop the term actually and I cringe cuz most of them are like 14. That's where it's coming from. If anyone gets pretentious it's me with my wax poetic over vaporwave ???

  13. Just listened a 2nd time, this time through my Sennheiser DT770 Pros coming out of RME converters and sounds fantastic. I just compared Syro wav files to the Collapse CD ver over HQPlayer and Syro seems mastered hotter/louder. I think it makes sense as Collapse has more dynamics, whereas Syro is more even throughout which lends to that saturated pushed feel.


    Exploring Syro again is fun after hearing Collapse. Think ill put on some Cheetah now, maybe explore all his recent stuff again.

  14. Footwork? Ha. This is on a complete other level.

    Yeah, again, this ^


    The rhythms and sfx he uses in this EP don't belong to a single genre, let alone a hipster microgenre. Also I heard nothing that sounded like the stereotypical footwork sound. If anything I'd say some of the grooves in the first half of the ep are more hip hop / electro oriented, sure with the occasional scratch or vox fx, def some booty bass moments but still wouldn't say super intentional influence from a singular sub/micro genre imo. Maybe he was inspired by something in that vein for that one track, but prob fleeting influence if anything.

  15. Just picked up the CD tonight, first time hearing tracks 2-5. Good god... Aftering taking it it all in,. Im left completely and utterly inspired. This EP is a masterpiece. I'd also been building it up in my head since you guys hyped it up,was kind of worried it might have set expectations too high, but it far exceeded them. Collapse feels alive in a way possibly no other aphex release feels. It's truly magical. As magical as SAW 1 & 2 I think.

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