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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Lane Visitor

  1. On 6/28/2020 at 11:00 PM, ignatius said:

    it's the misinformation for sure. the 'alternate facts' and all the crazy shit on the internet getting gobbled up. it's certainly possible that tech companies like facebook could become proactive in manipulation for their own agendas and usurp the federal government's authority.. certainly its messaging.  

    media has 'wagged the dog' in the past to start wars and get the feds to do its bidding w/o even knowing.. no reason that can't happen again in a bigger more effective way. seems like the chaos is already in motion.. just needs someone at the helm. if facebook decided to become a media company it could push its own narrative.  it'd be complex thing to do and i don't think zuckerberg is smart enough but who's to say they already aren't populating parts of it w/their narrative? 

    trump is just a symptom. he certainly dragged a lot idiots and racists out the woodwork but that's been done before. 

    Yup and it's only gonna keep intensifying while Russia continues to freely fuck us from behind with Trump's help and China's AI owns our souls lol.

  2. I'm convinced this is the rise of modern day fascism... Herds of stupid (and even many non-stupid) people believing dangerous propaganda and spreading their ignorance, putting lives at risk, in effect, systematically killing people all in the name of the dear leader's maniacal vision and science-denying fury, all while blaming a single group (the left) for the world's ills.

    We need to stamp this INSANITY out before these people go further, the situation we are in us fucked in every way. If Trump gets re-elected, there's no chance.

    • Like 3
  3. My mom and her bf, both Trump supporters think it's real but way overblown and "lol" about flattening the curve and all that denier nonsense. Dad's the same way, emailing me articles and videos on the "corona hoax", etc.

    Several of my closest friends one of who is actually a nurse thinks the same thing and is complaining why can't we just open up everything already etc.

    Most of the employees at my wife's place of work are in the same mindset, and have stopped wearing masks (though she continues to wear it while outside her individual office). 

    I've lost faith in humanity at this point. The family and friends of mine who happen to buy into the absurdity of this narrative are quite intelligent people. The fact that they can be pulled into this garbage infuriates me. I'm truly concerned for our country, our society, our globe. Fuck the virus or the economy... our problem is us humans, the Trump cult, toxic divisiveness, political chaos, social media propaganda, manipulated news... All of that is finally rearing it's ugliest head yet, converging, showing us the worst bits all at once... And it's poisoning us and paralyzing us faster than Covid, faster than climate change, faster than food shortage.

    Idiocy will be the death of us.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, zkom said:

    What I've started to get most scared about in this pandemic is that how much a virus with an estimated >1% mortality fucks up everything. When the eventual 10% mortality pandemic hits then it's RIP western civilization. Let's not even talk about something like the Black Death that killed estimated half of the population of Europe. Maybe we need to start to prepare for these things a bit better?

    Yeah, I've been thinking that everything about our global infrastructure going forward- whether it's industrial/construction (door handles), technology (think public touch / pin pads), medical, food and agriculture, pretty much EVERYTHING needs to change to take pandemics into account. In some ways, we are some steps ahead like with using facial recognition or voice and automated doors and lighting, but in other ways were many steps backwards. I think the future of our species will rely on these considerations when planning anything from here out. It's gargantuan of a change needed, that it's hard to fathom, and may not even be possible. 

    • Like 2
  5. 14 hours ago, bendish said:

    Liberate America! These people are too stupid. Mass collapse and death coming. And yet Trumps approval is up. Amaze!


    My wife and I have been watching this as well, and are outraged. What Trump, Fox, and the conservative business owners who support them are doing by fueling a protest against this sorry ass excuse for "injustice" is absolutely maddening. This folks, is the worst he's done yet... Encouraging people to revolt against science and risk spreading a pandemic further to kill more people all in the name of him getting more circle jerk action from his base. This is like true dictator-from-axis-of-evil country level fucked up.


    • Like 8
  6. So did this happen already 8 hours ago? I don't have it in me today to find a timezone converter. And we've confirmed it's nothing new, or that it glitched out anyway?


    Pretty excited to listen to the 6 new Aphex trks actually. Gonna go with the dog and wife for a little drive and put those tunes on for the first time while driving around some industrial complex area and admiring the generic architecture. Then come home and eat some frozen food. #covidlife

  7. 19 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    for real ya'll? maybe the body was huge and couldn't be lifted? americans are fat as fuck yo. 

    poor guy. sounds worked up and shook up. i hope he calms down and finds some relaxation for a while. 

    also, wtf is happening in that clip? seems odd for lot's of reasons. normally bodies are put in those zipper bags aren't they?  

    there's probably so much stuff on the internet like this (as usual) w/o any explanation and just someone jumping to conclusions and posting a video. 

    if i could focus on any of the at least 47 music things i want to do i would do that but i'm feeling quite aimless and distracted. oh westworld has hit the torrents yo...

    Yeah man, same. There are actually tons of music projects I could work on in the studio, and been inspired to come with new ideas and concepts, but just can't manage atm. Cabin fever making me edgy and gross feeling. All this news is getting to me. Hell went for a drive and the empty streets were just depressing. Went to a Circle K to get a quick snack and soon as the clerk though starting coughing his guts out, I put the iced tea bottle back immediately and walked out the door. Nope, no way. 


    Just gonna sit on the couch, read coronavirus subreddit, binge watch prime and make tv dinners. What summer it's gonna be.

  8. On 2/18/2020 at 1:46 AM, 714681746476436 said:

    Not even in the same ball park in regards to quality. I could not disagree with you more here.

    Fair ... To each their own. I will admit though that there some weak points if both those LPs and it's in the noodling and experimentation of mostly the second half of each of them, I do often have to skip a few tracks there that annoy me, but the 50 perfect of those LPs that I really dog outshine those mediocre parts. 


    What is it about A Hundred Days Off for example that you guys think is shite or whatever? Is it just cuz it's not as tech or dnb-core as their earlier work or just cuz it's fashionable to not like artists' later work? 


    Sure those albums are a bit more accessible and catchy then earlier work but I actually think Underworld is a great example of an artist that doesn't get lame or tired sounding or slaving to make mainstream hits as they progress, unlike many electronic veterans I can think of.

    • Like 1
  9. Huge Underworld fan here and I have to disagree for the most part, though I wasn't really feeling Barbara Barbara, though still nice to hear them keep putting stuff out.


    I actually put A Hundred Days Off and Oblivion With Bells up there with their greatest LPs, along with Second Toughest and dubnobass. I mean they're different styles, yeah, but not every artists maintains the same sound over decades--and when the do, it's rare that they don't become a bit drab and formulaic.

    Those 2 albums late nineties/early mid 2000s if I'm not mistaken sound exactly what you'd expect for an electronica record to sound like of that era and nothing's wrong with that. But they go deeper and have retained the poetic musings, urban and industrial atmosphere, and layers of ambience. Crocodile and Beautiful Burnout are 2 of my all time fav Underworld tracks actually. And then let's not even talk about the epic euphoric rave of 2 Months Off and jazzy downtempo pure sex of Sola Sistm.

    Barking I will say was another thing because while I actually like the album, I gotta be in that specific mood I think. It's  for sure more straightforward and quite moody to me and more human and less entrancing and open/progressive than their earlier work. Barbara Barbara I thought was a bit underwhelming and sounded more like noodlings and ideas they just wanted to get out, though was digging a few tracks . Looking forward to whatever they put out next.

    I'd recommend seeing them live... We went a couple years ago and was so incredible.

    • Like 1
  10. Ooh fun... opinions! We can all be our own Pitchfork on a forum hahaha.

    WhatI thought:

    Highlight: Charlotte is a pretty cool track, wasn't expecting to be impressed by all that psychedelic / sparse structure / vocal effects. And evoking some spirit of Portishead there got me interested for sure.


    Overall, I like the music itself of that originally posted track, but thought production was a little bit overdone in the way of just throwing a whole bunch of styles and drum sounds into the same track just to make it sound craaazy type of thing, which I think is often a cop out and comes off as a bit pretentious. Part of me was like just play the damn thing with one drum kit / set and let the music shine and get the focus, but I'll admit part of the jaggedness was cool. Subtle changes and dashes of mindfuckery goes a long way when you have a solid foundation.


    It's funny when I think about how so many pop/edm and even underground artists these days are production-oriented and sound design-forward and usually music comes 2nd or not at all, but in this case to me it's sorta reverse, like there are some cool musical ideas there and it feels like the production is actually distracting that a bit or possibly it's eating up ideas from being fully realized. Otherwise I ain't mad at Jockstrap. Digging all the strings and oldtimey structures. Just like most of you guys on here I guess, not bad at best, meh at worst, esp. when rating for Warp caliber. Also, Jockstrap, if you are reading this thread, know that we are all total snobs and hipsters and the fact that you are signed to Warp had raised the bar and has instantly made you accountable for making next level shit in terms of tonal uniqueness, musicality and aesthetic lol.

    • Like 2
  11. What do you guys think are the implications of this, all the hype aside?

    Ugh Trump just tweeted a huge image of the American flag 15 mins ago like he's a 12 year old brat. And all these alt right nuts are rah rah ing already. I'm no fan of the Iranian National Guard, but I think we've just headed into something freaky.

  12. Loving this too, and glad Spotify recommended Sea Watch to me, which is how I discovered the LP. 

    Glorious buttery majestic orchestral jazzy minimal all at once! No shame in RDJ reference-dropping here either. Undeniable SAW II vibes for me with some of these tones and the reverb.

    I think of this as that sort of that rich academic "music destined for NPR to cover" vibe but with much more intrigue than their run of the mill "guy who bangs on pots and pans and records whales in New Zealand and uses AI to blend it together" or something.


    It's a future classic.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Joyrex said:

    Never say never... but I think that's something close to his heart so he'd probably want to do it or work with someone he trusts to do it.

    How cool would it be if that happened and rdj allowed us to come up with / vote on a full on concept, cover art, title and group of tracks from the dump for an official (or non official) EP or LP?? (With his approval / collaboration of course) ... An open source concept of sorts.

  14. On 9/12/2019 at 6:18 AM, very honest said:

    analord is where richard achieved initiation into a higher musical reality. post-analord stuff is the work of a master.


    Ya know it's funny, the more I keep rediscovering his recent post analord work, the more I feel the same way. I used to long for the early days ... Of course  I still can never get enough of it, but lately I've been more and more mezmorized by Analord, The Tuss, Syro, Cheetah, etc. It's just all so goddamn good. New Twin seems to have a creeping effect, it grows on you... Like you have to wear it in before you fall in love.

    • Like 2
  15. 4 hours ago, Uros said:

    Well. you could always use Rich's own playlist for sosw II. It's here among other playlists for SC dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ouNaaVrNp60Ib34Kp0TO1n1XSc7-9DvfiZ9ZiTiD2c/htmlview#

    Haha thanks, yeah I've checked that out a number of times and most of the SC dump. Totally mezmorizing. 

    I need to explore the dump more (lol), it's just a bit overwhelming. It's interesting how we as fans and music consumers beg for music and when we get an unlimited amount of stuff poured at us for free, we still want more.

    But I will say as far as the buildup, and craving for a proper LP or EP, those SC tracks, amazing as they are, don't fulfill my album quench, as many are demos, different mastering stages/eras, and there's nothing (except the fan's efforts at) putting a blanket, concept and package around a set of tracks and releasing commercially it as a planned effort.

    All that said, if RDJ took 12 of any of those SC tracks that sounded alike enough, created artwork, and mastered them to level match and with similar tones and released it-whether I'd heard them in the dump before or not, I'd eat it up like candy lol


    Edit: also, for what it's worth, a large handful of the SC dump tracks are fucking purely magical and outstanding and deserve a proper release of some sort or video or EP or something damnit. To get lost in the mud is a crime.


    Also 28 Organ on Come To Daddy extras (that was part of the dump right?) is total bliss.


    Edit 2: whoa I actually just remembered Richard actually complied the sosw 2 playlist himself. Fuck me, I gotta re-explore that now haha

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