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Posts posted by eugene

  1. the overemphasized reactions of passerbys to the brutal accident and the time the camera focused on them was so weird, like something out of 50's movies crossed with the more soapier episodes of the previous seasons of twin peaks. dunno wtf lynch is doing most of the time, but i'm enjoying it washing all over me very much.

  2. yeah, and personally i'm very pro-sjw, or to be exact very anti-anti-sjw, because the sjw does get quite stupid quite often to always be pro- for it, but this thing doesn't even pretend to be a story or a drama with any semblance to human characters. it's like a collection of contemporary issues to be discussed with passion in some social science class. what i like it for is only the shameless portrayal of disgusting and obnoxious women with their disgusting problems, that works even despite the characters being total cartoons. i'm not aware of any other tv/film that fleshes this out so blatantly.

  3. evil coop has some really weird and unreal relationship with technology, remember how he typed complete gibberish on his laptop with some ridiculous and cartoonish user interface in earlier ep? i though it was just lynch poking fun at some hax0r tropes, but it looks like there's more behind it with the shit he pulled in ep5. pretty cool.

  4. i wasn't sure before because of how scattered it all seemed (despite many individual scenes being pretty great), but i'm all now with ep3. from the unreal first part with this completely how-is-this-even-on-tv? glitchy back and forth editing shenanigans, to the hilarious hawk scene and the elongated and totally amusing cooper-as-a-rainman sequence  (it was very interesting how super realistic everything and everyone besides cooper seemed, more so than the other "real world" scenes in the series) and to the over the top ultrasexualized tammy the fbi agent. loved every minute of it.

  5. something wild - i don't usually delve into pre-90's stuff because it's all mostly irrelevant, but i was curious to see what jonathan demme did besides the lambs and somehow got to this one. and it's a pretty fun ride, it's very vivid, witty and free in a way you don't get to see in modern films that are all self aware and considerate of whatever written and unwritten laws of modern film-making there are. it's full of colorful characters and is constantly in motion and grabbing your attention with music (and he got pretty hip people here for that job, like david byrne, the feelies, john cale and laurie anderson), scenery and all kinds of 80's quirks and details (but not of the "it's the 80's!" variety, it's more natural and humanistic here). daniels is very enjoyably as yuppie weasel, but griffith is pretty awful, especially with her dialogue delivery, the golden blob people probably hit their heads really hard before considering nominating her. liotta is fun too, although it gets laughably over the top for them all in the climatic fight scene where lots of wooden things get destroyed.

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