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Posts posted by eugene

  1. things to come (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4120176) - saw that it got great reviews, isabelle-huppert-in-trouble storyline which always delivers, available in HD on my fav movie pirating site, so i grabbed it immediately only to realize that i already watched it a couple of months ago. this is a review. 


    logan - oooh, so gritty, so R-rated, so violent, real life problems, everyone's saying "fuck" all the time for no reason, aging, disease, corporate takeover, sooo serious and grim and R-rated and everyone's dying...but wait, where's the film in all this? some semblance of a script besides the "a broken dude is taking care of his girl in trouble" beaten down to death presets maybe? evidently not with this one.

  2. a dark song - like all films this one was mostly crap. a big portion of the duration is about a torturous preparation for an occult ritual that is supposed to fulfill some wishes that the two main characters aren't really truthful about with each other. it is an interesting idea for a film, but all of the occult elements are half assed, an incoherent and shallow mishmash of all kinds of mythologies, practices, texts and symbols that never amount to something actually engrossing or even interesting. [some spoilers ahead] and so when the horror elements kick in they also don't make much sense as there was no grounding logic of some kind for them happening in the way they were happening, sometimes it's creepy voices or sounds, other times it's jump scares or some telekinetic stuff or other shit randomly thrown in...there is an 10-15 minute windows towards the end of the film where i thought it snapped to something rather interesting and somewhat comical, as the main character becomes tired, disillusioned and hopeless about the whole process and the chances for success despite weird shit happening with even more intensity, the "-I'm just some cunt using your son's voice to make you afraid. -I know." was both hilarious and disturbing, and it's pretty much the only great scene in the film.

    of course the tiny budget makes all of it look pretty cheap, the beings that were supposed to be demons(i guess?) looked just like some bums whom someone painted for a prank. it's like all those younger directors don't seem to fucking get it - if you don't have enough cash - don't bother with supernatural and abnormal that requires decent special effects/make up. some of the sound and music was actually alright, but again, very incoherent in quality and effect. succ.

  3. the great wall - modern china scares me. there's just something very cynical about this, there's not even pretense or any hints that they were trying to make some kind of passable movie here. it's just complete, irredeemable garbage, a scientifically state-produced produced imitation of hollywood tropes for profit maximization and a commercial for china ("look! we're doing awesome movies with matt damon, we're basically a cool country!). i mean obviously hollywood pulls this strictly-for-cash stuff too, but it's kinda more transparent about it, more self aware and maybe even ashamed in some way. this one is just much more nasty somehow, probably because it's just so calculated and focused with its goals to shove this shit for the masses (and i'd guess it's mostly the chinese masses). it's basically a form of elaborate state propaganda, a sense dulling, expensive and flashy entertainment with precisely zero content that will challenge the viewers intellectually in some way.

  4. adult life skills - if you need a film to hatewatch this is the one.

    it's british, it's directed by a woman, it emulates the worst of this american indie twee thing with cutesy home made shit, wacky and lovable characters, about 5 different indie-folk-strumming-guitair identical sounding tunes that you hear in modern commercials in the first 10 minutes, a barrage of pop references ("the goonies are great", "bono is an asshole"), it's R rated to allow swearing because its so liberal and free and young. i lasted exactly 13 minutes 44 secs, do you think you can you beat that?

  5. good fun indeed. i think that it being a breaking bad spin off that has its particular requirements and obligatory boxes to tick in the form of leading it to breaking bad events, shoving of bb characters and sticking to already known storylines is actually hurting it, it could have easily been an independent show.

  6. i dunno what that kush does and how it works, maybe it emulates some kind of analog effect and doesn't just filter and EQ? i dunno. but in digital domain you can filter out freqs perfectly, and you simply can't hear what you can't hear. if for example you send a 1khz sine into some DAC and then mix an additional ultrasonic 30khz sine to it, there shouldn't be any 3rd wave (of anywhere near audible levels) appearing out of nowhere, and you would see just those two on the spectrograph if you'd connect it to the DAC output. that is unless the DAC is complete shit and has actual issues with intermodulation distortion, which is very unlikely even with very cheap DACs these days. 

  7. i'd go with the crowd and also say  that s04 overall was the best. maybe just because the topic of school fucked-upedness itself hits closer than others covered. the kids did a really good job (kinda wary of googling them further in order not to be burned just like with snoop who was an actual murderer, lol/wtf) plus the interlocking mayoral race was also very well done and engaging. i think maybe simon is more of an ethnographer at heart, i felt more educated and impressed with the depth, the thoroughness, his interest in ties between the systems that he covers and the overall quality of their portrayal rather than by the artistic and cinematic turns. he most probably realized very well himself, that no one one would watch it without omars, titty sucking lesbian cops and the incessant one liners.


    back to usual programming:


    american gods first episode-  overstylized and hackneyed stupidity with awful dialogue and phony cgi with some pretensions at deep symbolisms or whatever. i pretty much laughed through half of it.


    americans - i respect its measured pace and patience, but it really became a bit of one note dreary snoozefest for the last 4-5 episodes or so. at some points it even feels like they artificially prolong the pauses between the sentences in the dialogue. hope it's not just going to kinda fade out limply like rectify did at the end.

  8. no you won't. this is a very hot topic in audio related forums i frequent, and no one has ever show the ability to differentiate "hi-res" (88-192 khz sampling rate) audio containing ultrasonic freqs above ~20khz from the same audio exactly downsampled to regular cd format (44/16).

    the "clear" differences you might hear are either artifacts introduced by your system  incapable of dealing with higher freqs (inter-modulation distortion, most likely.) or placebo in most of the cases, so you should do those test blind and with properly matched levels of the two files you're comparing.

  9. the wire binge emergency update - it begins to feel like quite a lot of it is HBOdized for entertainment value at the cost of rawness and realism. some of the characters are just way too colorful to seem real, omar is just ridiculous, d'angelo's moral ruminations are kind of over the top, ziggy and the foreign baddies in s02 too. i was actually surprised to see that the corner mini-series was also simon's, i watched it a while ago but i remember that it didn't feel like it cut corners and shape characters to make things more entertaining and dramatic but kept it raw. i do love this lifelike portrayal of the city and the struggle of the people™ in general even more in s02 with the addition of that whole port thing. those ugly working port dudes who hit beer with eggs in the mornings in the grey, industrial, cold and decaying baltimore, struggling to get work against their inevitable loss to capitalism...mmmm so good.

  10. wire seems amazing at first but you'll quickly realize it's average and hacky tv writing. lots of "getting the team back together" ploys and loads of pretty average television actors all over the script.



    Looking forward to trip to Spain


    i'm on s01e06 so far, i agree about the acting, but writing wise it seems consistently good. i really like and respect this very dense, well detailed, wide-scope view of the whole process, both on the police and the street levels. you really get a sense of how this whole network works and it's very immersive.

  11. well it's trash, a poorly paced and heavy handed allegory about dangers of fascism and patriarchy (wow, how important and innovative!) with constant, phony, over-dramatized misery that drags on and on with lots of slowly bowed cellos and slow mos. it's like the idea was to completely distill this banal allegory/cautionary tale exercise from any kind of plausible world-building. it could be sort of interesting and more believable if they made the main character actually susceptible to that tyrannical social order and show her gradual submission (some review mentioned that it's how it was in the novel), but they fucking kept her immune and turned her into this predictable and tropey freedom fighter-in-development that mentally transcends her situation.

  12. not a bad album, a pleasant wash of light shoegaze/dream pop, not too memorable though. but i kinda felt like that about beach house's depression cherry which grew on me a lot after subsequent listens. i liked "everyone knows" the most, it's got a similar wistful, summery and  optimistic vibe to "when the sun hits", but it's more propulsive and unrelenting, very lovely vocals.


    the last song is shit though. it's just extremely gay, juvenile and sappy, kinda like radiohead's true love waits stretched to 8 minutes.

  13. all that talk of s02 of expanse being deece made me want to try it again after ditching it mid-season last time. but omg, i know remember why i ditched it. the aforementioned criticisms are spot on, it's just sooo fucking dull and lifeless when it comes to dialogue and characterization. there's definitely some good stuff in it due to interesting and properly developed backstory and world building, that trilateral conflict keeps things interesting, and production wise it's fine (though, better when it comes to CGI and lesser when it comes to interiors and costumes and such). it's like a burger with buns made of paper, you have to chew through all those fucking scenes of bored looking actors reading their lines passionlessly to get to some meat.

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