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Posts posted by eugene

  1. was laughing a lot at the completely out of nowhere level of swearing that one girl who is testing the robots uses. it was like a bad hentai dub, fuck every other word.

    you're in for a treat @ ep3, that galileo bit was like biting into a lemon.

  2. captain fantastic - easily the second worst film of 2016 i've seen (as swiss army man cannot be beaten in that regard). it's literally a screen adaptation of this tattoo (not necessarily the content, but the idea)+an hour some of the most banal family melodrama.

  3. certain women - great as expected. reichardt is just one of those filmmakers who make perfect movies (whether you personally like them or not), you really get that sense that she gets everything completely right and exactly as intended. every scene feels meaningful and in the right place...the acting, music, cinematography and sound - all flawless. this one is probably closest to "wendy and lucy" with its understated emotional intensity and humanism, but more loaded with things to say about different issues the 4 women brush with. the third story especially is quietly devastating despite being completely familiar, which again proves how great of a director reichardt is. it really left me quite stunned, forcing to soak it all in till the very end of credits.

  4. beautiful 2nd ep. they copied that thing the main nolan bro does a lot in his films where the same music continues throughout several relatively quick scenes, works really well here. i also really like how they keep constantly breaking up a scene with some kind of robot maintenance or readjustment just when something strange is beginning to develop, that sense of never really getting you into that world where the robots live in and constantly messing up with it is really interesting stylistically.

  5. yeah i was also put off by the intro music, but during the show itself i thought it was pretty good. the got score was also very hit and miss, but the guy got a distinct voice for sure. i really liked this one from s06e08, reminded me of magyar posse in how proggy it is and stylistically all over the place and kinda cheesy but very unabashedly dramatic, melodic and propulsive:

  6. i thought it was pretty cool. pilots being pilots are overstuffed with exposition and lots of dialogues are just an excuse to explain the setting, but in the second half, once it gets going, it gets pretty engaging.  it's gonna be pretty tough acting wise, one will have to act like a robot following a not-so-perfect wild west tropey script while showing hints of self awarness of the actual situation, and it already looks like evan rachel wood's not up to the job. hopkins is deece, but his charachter is this cliched, overly wise father/overseer/mastermind dude that begins to question his own project, meh. quite a few parts aren't really great (that over the top "she's still wriggling!" was really out of place) but as a whole i thought it was pretty exciting. basically it's a cross between three familiar ingredients -  truman show, AI stuff and a futuristic theme park, but that crossbreeding makes it quite fresh and engaging, it can go into lots of interesting directions. i mean it's just awesome to finally get high concept scifi in long form with hbo budget and production might.

  7. the wailing - felt like a korean version of the witch, ( ie, unexplained and senseless evil that messes up everything for no understandable reason) that gets everything completely wrong. the first half hour is this painfully unfunny korean slasptick about dumb cops. then when it gets to business it's just an overlong slog and a poor mishmash of genres. takes that play out for twice the long that is needed to be effective, overemphasized emotions, everyone is sweaty/gritty/dirty/bloody all the time. a supposedly intense exorcism scene was just loud and not intense at all. dull zombie fight etc. there are really just two effective scenes, and one of which is almost a straight ripoff from the exorcist. there are possibly some allegories about korea's social ills and shit but i doubt anyone would care much about that.

  8. wow, every 4 years, the same stupid fucking argument about changing the status quo/supporting who you believe in by voting for someone who will have exactly zero impact on anything you claim needs to be changed. i mean is it really that fucking difficult to consider the realistic outcomes of your vote for one of the running four candidates to make a rational decision?

    here's a simple diagram:

    vote for clinton >>>4 more years of obama with less charisma

    trump >>> insanity and unpredictablness

    stein >>>more chance of trump winning

    johnson>>>more chance of trump winning

    that's it, those are the only options. you can't reinvent the laws at this point, stein/johnson getting 1-2% more will have no impact. if you want to change the system then make an actual effort like the bernie bros did (and almost made it happen), or kill clinton and then somehow make bernie replace her. don't come up with a moronic argument a few weeks before the election.

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