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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. only a cunt would come out of such an experience wishing they were born white and adopting shitty conservative Western politics with racist/culture-clash overtones. well done for somehow managing to exploit your prior experiences as a poor brown person to continue shitting on other poor brown people while whitewashing yourself and pretending you're now part of some master race. amazing. dude, what's your problem? for real? where have I insinuated that I'm part of some master race? that other people independently of colour should not have equal opportunity? that I wished I was born white?! you're fighting your bloody imagination man edit: if from your perspective thinking that borders and limitation on immigration are reasonable equates thinking that one belongs to a master race and that all other races should be erased then sure, I see how you draw that conclusion and I also see that you're insane
  2. I woke up this morning with my dick on my face!
  3. a wonderful read when pooping imo @diatoms, I always remember the famous line on the richard d james track that gave the name to the forum "we are the music makers" as "we're the music make makers, and we're the creators of dreams" but I think in the willy wonka movie where it's taken from it actually says "we're the music makers and we're the dreamers of dreams" how do you remember it?
  4. exactly the point that mixl dodged because he couldn't reconcile the mental gymnastics. good to see he's doubling down on his pledge to avoid tribalism by constantly parroting the same tired arguments reactionaries use all the time, now that's what i call free thinking. I'm not claiming higher morality than anyone, thats the definition I understand as virtue signalling u rlly wanna fight don't u? ever been on a real fight on the streets? struggled trough a rough childhood in a poor country? I expect not; people I have met who have been trough shit aren't expending their time looking for fights on idm forums
  5. nwae could someone post the latest dumbshit trump has done to get this thread back on track
  6. yes but just calling people adjectives and ending it at that feels pointless to me
  7. yea, communism has never harmed anyone "but we've never had full communism" Dunno, I think countries that declared themselves communist like the Soviet Union or modern China are very far from being communist or even socialist in the sense thinkers like Marx thought about it, it's more of a selfcongratulatory euphemistic label they give themselves to hide the deeply authoritarian nature of these systems. But what does that have to do with the alt-right? It's a bit silly to think nationalists, white supremacists and climate deniers aren't that bad because there were other political forces that are really bad too that's not the point, the point is if you're going to be against radical thinking you dont get to be against it in only one front its also irrelevant if true communism/socialism ever has existed. whenever a leader has promised to bring about said utopias nothing but starvation and death has ensured You are talking about the Horseshoe theory which is simplifying but I see what you are on about. Though bringing up the crimes of so called socialist leaders of the past in a discussion about the modern alt-right comes across as whataboutism. It's okay to call people like Trump what they are. As for radical thinking. I think being radical isn't automatically a bad thing. Some great achievements of our time like voting right for women were unthinkable and very radical thoughts a few decades ago but that doesn't make it wrong. Different topics require different kinds of thinking. Is not the horseshoe theory so much as what has been proven to lead to catastrophe historically you're right about radical thinking, I don't know what the correct term would be for "ideas that have historically been proven to be murderously pathological" is I see how my position could be read as whataboutism, what I have been pushing generally is to prevent one sided critique.. edit: I also dont see how calling trump an incompetent clown, altough true (be it in a idm forum or very loudly with lots of baloons) really solves anything.. as in: would b better to demolish whatever ridiculous positions people disagree with using dialogue
  8. yea, communism has never harmed anyone "but we've never had full communism" Dunno, I think countries that declared themselves communist like the Soviet Union or modern China are very far from being communist or even socialist in the sense thinkers like Marx thought about it, it's more of a selfcongratulatory euphemistic label they give themselves to hide the deeply authoritarian nature of these systems. But what does that have to do with the alt-right? It's a bit silly to think nationalists, white supremacists and climate deniers aren't that bad because there were other political forces that are really bad too that's not the point, the point is if you're going to be against radical thinking you dont get to be against it in only one front its also irrelevant if true communism/socialism ever has existed. whenever a leader has promised to bring about said utopias nothing but starvation and death has ensured
  9. yea, communism has never harmed anyone "but we've never had full communism" have any of you heard what's going on in nicaragua? if not check it out, it's great and then ask how come you haven't heard about it edit: and why instead of protesting true tirany and injustice people dedicate themselves to protest governments that are doing infinitely better in every front comparatively and historically
  10. I don't know what label the radicals on the left use.. democratic socialists? iunno, nwae.. the point was is a great method to scream names at each other and make baby balloons of the people we dislike to solve issues and strive together towards peace
  11. https://m.facebook.com/groups/1071808989542507
  12. yea, but then can we also call the 'alt-left' spinelles soyboy cucks? so much virtue in this thread
  13. I see discussion as a tool to learn not to "defend" or "attack" whatever dumbass bullshit you or i happen to post (edit: as in, more as a means to find out how you or i could b wrong then learn from it) I also enjoy having some fun while at it, you're no fun man every bloody post u quote me on is to tell me how much of an idiot I am and that's fine but not much point to it imo
  14. I have faith that people are smart enough to figure out when people genuinely want to discuss and when they do not
  15. please explain what virtue signalling is and demonstrate how this is happening ITT with evidence na
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