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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. provide a better solution, I'm all ears hint: tearing the system down is not a solution (edit: detailed in the article I posted) edi2: I don't wanna undermine the value of collective forces in solving problems, just point out that the people who compose such collectives better have their head screwed on properly first
  2. don't remember edit: or we where going to meet a friend and thought it would b funny to see how ppl in the city reacted to us going out with the dumbest clothes we could find, I don't exactly remember what happened after that tho
  3. man I hate sounding all jbp about this but it really seems like the best solution to me the system will always be broken one way or another, and so the best you personally can do is fix whatever you can at your immediate circle of reach.. cuz there always will be alot to fix that you actually can fix (urself, ur family etc), and don't be a shit person. once you actually have fixed something hard then move on and try and fix a system, because improving a large system from 70% optimal to 75% optimal without wrecking is impossibly difficult just think like, if any substantial amount of people took that to heart how much could actually be solved? this is a good article for anyone dreaming utopian dreams: https://crimethinc.com/2000/09/11/your-politics-are-boring-as-fuck
  4. is so weird, you hear this narrative and if u go into the right circles u hear the exact opposite narrative I think the problem more than anything is the increasing polarization and especially the lack of proper dialogue between the two sides, wherever the pathology will rise on the right or the left is kinda irrelevant.. point is the pathology should b prevented and as far as I understand it the only way to do that is trough dialogue How can you have a fruitful dialogue when one party simply denies reality, facts and victimizes themselves? And the polarization has come from the right wing. No compromises is a badge of honor to them. Incendiary rhetoric is also from the right. Ignoring facts is from the right. This whole us vs. them mentality stems from the right. That's how they work. Thinking that only dialogue will solve the polarization is a typical "liberal" or centrist notion. Most liberals are happy with the status quo (because they are rarely affected by the injustices in society), and the Overton window has moved further right, thus also shifting these "liberals" right-ward. Just have a look at what the "liberal" papers like the WaPo or NYT have been writing since Trump won. Searing hot take op-eds where they condemn the left for being too harsh on the Trump supporters, writing human interest stories about racists and nazis because of balance, I guess? Ostracize, do not give platforms to racists, fascists or bigots. By having a dialogue with these people, you are essentially accepting their positions as equal to whatever liberal positions you are supporting, you know like the radical notion of equal human rights versus wanting certain people (hint: they are not white, straight or men) to have less rights than others. How are these things still up for debate in the year 2018? the alternative to dialogue is violence. you can blame the right all you want (or the left since that's all the right does) but one side can't simply "win" over the other cuz u gotta live with the other side.. ur best bet is to make peace, unless your aim is not peace (and from what I have seen there's a growing amount of people on both sides who don't want peace ) it is irrelevant again who started the us vs them shit, point is don't egage in it yourself.. (imo)
  5. is so weird, you hear this narrative and if u go into the right circles u hear the exact opposite narrative I think the problem more than anything is the increasing polarization and especially the lack of proper dialogue between the two sides, wherever the pathology will rise on the right or the left is kinda irrelevant.. point is the pathology should b prevented and as far as I understand it the only way to do that is trough dialogue
  6. hehe if you start delving into that rabbit hole you come into the definition of real numbers p quickly which is one hell of a thing to wrap your head around
  7. Partial differential equations, modelling things w them and methods to solve them Is rlly quite algorithmic processes but it can become rlly rlly time consuming and tedious (which is why u usually have computers do the job, but u kno.. gotta know the ins and out of it) more practically is modelling things like how the temperature on a meatball varies depending on place and time, or how a guitar string oscillates when u pluck it.. precisely v powerful stuff
  8. I'm pursuing a career in engineering and am currently stumped in applied mathematics, them vids sure are fun but man I can tell you.. working with it can b a real bitch It's rlly a discipline worthy of respect tho, the most fascinating thing for me is how incredibly abstract problems map onto reality as we perceive it prime numbers also are rlly rlly weird
  9. we can't afford to blow up each other for what we believe anymore, we're too powerful be very, very aware of tribalism
  10. Let us not speak of the dark past, but instead look to the bright future world we're in and layeth out for us now from this i draw the conclusion that trump is an avatar of idm
  11. Conspiracies are entertaining in the same way that reading about religion is: I find it fascinating how people twist themselves into utterly ridiculous beliefs. Actually believing in either is a flaw, imo. Each to their own, but ultimately silly little conspiracy theories (see the What If I Told You thread) hold water about 0.1% of the time, and are actually damaging (often in small ways, I'll grant you) much more often. Id say the same about ideology and belief systems in general.. becoming too proud of what one believes is rlly dangerous, regardless of what it is hopefully this issue will b solved soon, or we'll perish
  12. there are no things there are processes the world is a place of meaning, above all else.. the patterns behind cognition itself mirrored onto the world
  13. welp seems like the meeting didn't end in world disaster so that's.. good? right? edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30heleGgCBg edit2: altough who knows, it could lead to world disaster in the future, time will tell as always innit
  14. just don't start pumping topics on the assymetry of the union jack, we need atleast one person who reminds us to radiate unconditional love and have fun on the forum :)
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