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  1. Blows my mind he wrote this in 1985 Rave:)
  2. DJ COCKFART is another alias of his? Happy 25th watmm!:)
  3. IMDb remembers Morpheus: What if I told you... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0133093/quotes/?ref_=tt_trv_qu
  4. Yeah I bought the black hoodie at Sónar, which is perfect still. Then I decided to buy a backup in Lisboa and the print faded after one wash and zipper turned green. So that's the one I wear all the time at home:)
  5. listen again:) zin2 test5 afx goodness
  6. @ 23:08 full or at least most of afx novation track
  7. Now I know what the matrix feels like, moves like and smells like. My 2D experience was 4DX in cineworld parnell. The seats moved around and I was punched in my upper left back every fight scene (there were plenty!). That was enough for one show and had to find a broken section for the second screening, ha! The Matrix is an awesome kung fu movie besides the ai reality theme. I felt myself muttering What if I told you that the World you know is just an illusion, that none of this is Real during the red pill blue pill scene. But also during The Construct scene I felt myself say it again when it felt natural. Nobody sat in my row during both showings so nobody heard me. After each movie I stood outside the screen 8 door and asked people as they left if they remember the Morpheus quote. I made a point to ask their age and they were mid 20's, 30's, 40's and 50 years old who all remembered the quote and knew right away they hadn't heard it this time in the film. Now I did talk to some people who were in their early 20's or college age and they said isn't that a popular meme:) But almost everyone took a What if I told You memory paper to read. As always I tell people to trust themselves and what their true memories are. I don't know what is going on but It's statistically improbable/impossible for almost everyone to remember the same thing and it not be true in this reality. Fascinating stuff! At least to me, ha:)
  8. from Prime Video Nederland Youtube channel: "What If I Told You" - Matrix Morpheus | The Matrix [MEME ORIGIN] 49,404 views Jan 25, 2021 Matrix Morpheus een schermopname van het fictieve personage Morpheus (gespeeld door Lawrence Fishburne) uit de Matrix-franchise. De eerste regel is 'What if I Told You' en wordt gevolgd door een openbaring die zinloos gedrag kleineert. english translation: Matrix Morpheus is a screen recording of the fictional character Morpheus (played by Lawrence Fishburne) from the Matrix franchise. The first line is "What if I Told You?" and is followed by an epiphany belittling senseless behavior. some of the comments below video: "Jesus Christ, I just watched this a few days ago. I have a clear memory of Morpheus saying "What if I told you" ! "Same here - Mandela Effect at its best!" "I just watched this yesterday and today I see this whole Mandela effect crap. And I'm like he did say it right? I guess not. But he does say a line in the movie that starts "what if". "He did, it was in the speech before the red pill offering. He said what if I told you that everything you know is a lie, that's what's in the back of your mind, driving you to me, here, this moment. Then offered the red and blue pills." "What if I told you that Morpheus doesn't even say it in the scene where Neo and him meet? I just watched that scene a few minutes ago and he doesn't say it. Give it a look." "So you watched The Matrix one day before, and the next day ME stuff pops up. You have a memory of the "What if I told you" line, and now with the ME stuff it's gone. Interesting." "FUnny as welll when you youtube 'Matrix What if I told you' the pill scene is #1 at the top." "What if I told you that I never actually say 'What if I told you' in the whole movie, Neo?" "Where is it, I know I've seen it many times! This is insane." "Wait. He never even said what if I told you.???? Is this a Mandela effect. Are we living in the matrix truly." "im not buying it. people say misquote but that makes no sense you are telling me millions of people remember him saying that when no words around are even close to that. i get Luke, i am your father but it’s actually no i am your father they were close together but this just came out of thin air" "No Morpheus does say that that I remember it from seeing the movie first time" "In your logic, you’re saying millions of people remembered the line incorrectly and that no one who heard it correctly bothered to correct anyone else when they presented it as “what if I told you”. "what if i told you" "He doesn't even say those words ... as far as I could hear. Nowhere in the movie is that phrase uttered. That's how I found out about it. Even did a search of the script. Those words definitely don't appear. WTH. YES! YES! YES! I found out about this Mandela Effect myself. Searched Youtube for the scene one day because it's the only James Bond clip I liked ... Jaws chomping down on the cable line and then the funny awkward braces reveal. Waited in anticipation for the shiny smile ... and it never came. What?? It doesn't make any sense now. Lost my mind over that one. One guy said his sister's nickname was Dolly because her big braces made her look like the character. It was a family joke. Other changes that blow me away: Fruit of the Loom never had a cornucopia, "Objects in the rearview mirror MAY BE closer than they are" didn't exist, and dilemna never had a silent 'n'. I can't explain those." "What if I told you that my what if I told you everything you’ve been told was a lie scene absolutely existed but doesn’t anyone in this reality" "What if I told you. I don’t say this in the movie." "Damn. Mandela'd again" "where's the what if I told you part" "Thank the Mandela Effect, it is now gone, never happened." "Wait so when did he not say the line "What if I told you" I must have missed it?" "Where is it, I know I've seen it many times! This is insane." "Je weet dat What If I Told You nooit gezegd is in de film?? Deze 'herinnering' is wat ze een Mandela Effect noemen of een glitch in The Matrix. Zelfde gaat op voor Beam me Up Scotty uit Star Trek, ook dat is nooit gezegd en toch zijn er miljoenen mensen die dit zich wel herinneren." "Something I like is that the line is actually pertinent to the story and not just a throwaway "because it sounds cool" bit. Later on he does get fast enough to dodge bullets and at the climax learns to stop them mid-air, removing the need to dodge like Morpheus said." "What if I told you that I never actually say 'What if I told you' in the whole movie, Neo?" "Morpheus 100% needs to tell Neo "What if I told you" in the next Matrix movie. This would complete the prophecy." "This video explains nothing to the title, or the missing "What if I told you..." line" "He said it already in the first. They just edited our matrix to make it seem he never said it." I Remember Morpheus saying What if I told you that the World you know is just an illusion, that none of this is Real during the red pill/ blue pill scene I Remember Neo takes the blue pill to wake up The Matrix starts its run in Ireland this Friday and I got tickets to both showtimes Hopefully I don't blurt out What if I told you that the World you know is just an illusion, that none of this is Real during the scene:)
  9. I don't need an afx oak stash box, I don't need an afx oak stash box I'll keep repeating until monday afternoon
  10. saw this posted on reddit, forgot this about live performance of aisatsana [102]
  11. haha:) it was an amazing ending to the aphex summer as soon as i saw that poster it was coming down since the festival was over, ha! and started the night before with cruising for burgers, it was a pretty special afx weekend which i'll never forget:)
  12. so far all i've seen are the two videos posted on reddit. luke dropping fenix funk 5 (which i don't remember hearing, ha) and squarepusher - red hot car with some looping. i think i remember universal indicator red spun by luke but just now on reddit someone found vibert's ace of club - classid trax ep uses almost the same acid pattern as universal indicator red a6, so maybe that was it? we need a full upload of vibert's set! i pretty much remember all the songs of aphex origin that rdj spun during the summer (no matter what state i was in:) and hearing synthacon 9 that night at forwards then again by luke (from my memory) i would've thought i wouldn't get the tune wrong but so far i have:) the mystery of the aphex afters continues...
  13. here's luke vibert dropping fenix funk 5 at lost horizon, ha:) i was feeling good that night and a little mistaken its vibert's favorite aphex tune as well from the syrobonkers! interview: https://web.archive.org/web/20141103131334/http://noyzelab.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/syrobonkers-part1.html dave: so is that a synton fenix in that? rich: Yes , actually its TWO synton fenix's patched together making that vocal baseline riff, using all the bandpass filters on both machines.... it sounded a bit more vocal on an earlier pass, thats the thing with complex analogue patches in the context of a 'song' and not just fucking about with them in experiments, they just change all the time and its pretty imposs/extremely hard to keep them sounding the same throughout the whole process of making a big track , i like the challenge though, like i say you have to be slightly mad to even attempt it, i have quite a few tricks I've invented to keep things in tune over the years though. My friend had an argument with luke vibert who likes that fenix funk track, i think he said it was his fave track of all time to me once which is just a huge massive complement coming from him, thanks luke! but anyway luke was telling my mate it was a vocal sample and you couldn't get a sound like that out of a synth , another top indirect complement, cheers mate!"
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