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Posts posted by LimpyLoo

  1. This is one of my all-time favorite shows, but after watching it, the whole "upside-down world" literally gave me nightmares for weeks.

    (It's like some Hellraiser-esque archetypal world)

  2. "Audiophile" amp and speaker combos sound surprisingly good; like that seemingly contradictory balance between loud and delicate. Tens of thousands of dollars is reasonable for a nice setup, but wtf is up with several hundred thousand or millions of dollars setups for home listening? Speaker enclosures better be made out dinosaur bones and angel pubes for that kind of money.

    So...is this my cue to say something sarcastic and dismissive to you?


    p.s. The post you mocked was about sincerity vs insincerity.

    (and fwiw I worked really hard on it, too.)





    I think the GOP is in a more delicate situation than people think. This Russian connection isn't going away, and is likely to escalate even more. If they impeach trump, they lose the cult of personality and all of their shit policies are laid bare with no one to sell them. If they keep him around longer, they get his stink on them even more and risk even longer term damage to the party. When it become clear they sold out the country to a foreign power and tried to do as little as possible to stop it... heh, well... They spent decades creating a monster that is currently biting them in the ass. Getting this much power isn't as fun as they hoped it would be I'm sure.

    As much as it embarrasses me to quote a video game..."The more power you think you have, the more quickly it slips from your grasp."

    Dude! I just started an entire thread about this very notion!

  4. in regards to your comment about the great Wall: you may be very correct. I think I'm what some would call 'a hater' so I tend to judge things a little more critical

    I'm trying to re-tune myself to not be so critical

    Because (as you might've noticed) I used to be quite a negative jerk

    And as a result it pulled me and everyone around me down

    I was basically Shit Midas and everything I touched turned to shit

  5. Edit: @Nebraska

    Speaking of which: I still gotta see the Hateful Eight

    (Wait, that's the Tarantino one and not the Adam Sandler one, right?)



    But the reason I said 'maybe maybe maybe' was because I haven't seen The Great Wall nor the last 2/3rds of The Last Samurai, and so I don't know, but I do know that decent screenwriters and directors tend to be heavily into culture and tradition, and so draw upon traditional forms and archetypes.

    Perhaps even the entire conceit of film/drama itself is predicated on these traditional forms and archetypes (I don't know); but (e.g.) the whole protagonist/antagonist thing isn't a wheel that anyone seems keen to reinvent.









    I'm an unreasonable man, get on my case




    just came back from a pre-screening of this and lol (this was over-the-top). basically like a chinese version of lord of the rings (without the ring, dwarfs, elves etc). there's nothing here you haven't seen (except perhaps the fact that it's all based around the great wall of china) and matt damon doing his best robin hood(esque) impression.


    6 really hot chinese chicks dressed in blue jumping off the great wall out of 10

    Seems vaguely familiar



    Here's my case for giving the film a fair shake:

    Maybe these films aren't all ripping each other off

    Maybe they're all just referencing the same much-much-older archetypes

    e.g. the 'eight immortals' in Chinese Mythology

    And of course Lord of the Rings was rather notoriously based on pre-existing archetypes...



    I'm an unreasonable man, get on my case

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