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Posts posted by DorkingtonPugsly


    The amount of interviews coming from BoC proves that Autechre are the most asocial.


    Was there any interview with them post-Exai or have I missed something?

    I'm pretty sure there weren't, which I thought was odd, since they usually do interviews post album.


    I know they had one in Japanese and maybe one in German, because I saw a new picture of them and the website that it came from was all Autechre this and that in German.

  2. Exai is still my AOTY, greater than Ceephax and definitely greater than Tomorrow's Harvest.


    Not sure what else is due out for the rest of the year that might even come close....

    Definitely. Nothing so far has even come close.


    Fleure - nodezsh is perfection, after that the flow gets a little "off" somehow. Though cloudline and recks on are stellar tracks.


    I have to say it's great all the way till Cloudline. spl9 is a festival and Cloudline's my favorite track. It's so unbelievably good. Most artists can't make songs that amazing after so many years/albums/eps.

  3. I think its the lighting.

    Yeah they're both the same. I got both the blue and green, just get both.


    everyone is saying that TCH had one pre-release track, OSTRE, but actually I remember Satellite Anthem Icarus was also released early...was played on the radio or something. I had both tracks saved to my hd well before release. I would expect at least one more track to surface before the launch date.

    I caved and listened to Reach For The Dead, (though it was more because I heard it already while watching the guy in Tokyo streaming the event) but if this turns out to be another track off the album I'm not listening. One track (that's probably not the highlight of the album) isn't much, (for me) but I think if I heard another one it'd ruin the flow of the album overall so I really hope that whatever's happening tomorrow isn't that. Though I don't care much if it is. I just want the album...

  4. Going to read Of Mice and Men, because it never came up in my school curriculum and I thought I should. I know it's supposed to be sad and stuff. Probably not ready for it...

  5. Yes of course doesn't everyone?


    That feeling when you listen to a tune and the hairs stand up on the back of your neck.

    Yeah I get that a lot. But to me it's different than say, listening to that video and getting aroused or whatever.


    I think the 'hairs standing up on the back of my neck' thing is more connected towards the emotional power of the song I'm listening to. And how I feel like I'm being smashed in the face with a ton of emotions and feelings/memories that get triggered by the sounds I'm hearing.


    This though, it's weird...

  6. i still can't believe there was no release of at the least the downloads at the end of the code business. i was refreshing this forum like a madman, i don't think i more than glanced at genban for a week. this wait is a letdown.


    After entering the full code, it should've led you to a download page. You'd have to pay for the digital release but at least it'd be there. And all the searching for clues and what not would've felt worth it. A solid week or so of extremely high tension hype only to be told to wait a month and a half to hear it is indeed a letdown.

    Though I'm also glad we don't have to wait 3 months or so like other releases...




    It's 26 days till release. I wonder if they'll be able to keep it from leaking and just release the digital copy at the last minute before a leak. Kinda like Exai...

    Exai didn't leak, it was intentionally released earlier by a month, just like Oversteps and Move of Ten


    Yeah I know, I just felt like because it wasn't a exactly a month before but a few days after that, it felt like they held onto it for as long as they could before putting it out. I'm probably wrong in thinking this but it was just a feeling, because didn't Oversteps leak before the early release? I'm probably imagining things that never happened... (going days with less than 2 hours of sleep a night is seriously taking a toll on me...)


    no, you're right - Oversteps did leak (radio broadcast rip that was shitty), but that didn't precipitate the early release.


    Ahh right, okay. I see now, thanks.

    As for T'H, I can definitely wait until the release date and would prefer it if they didn't put it out early. Got a ton of things keeping me busy and a few things within the next month I'm looking forward to greatly.


    It's 26 days till release. I wonder if they'll be able to keep it from leaking and just release the digital copy at the last minute before a leak. Kinda like Exai...

    Exai didn't leak, it was intentionally released earlier by a month, just like Oversteps and Move of Ten


    Yeah I know, I just felt like because it wasn't a exactly a month before but a few days after that, it felt like they held onto it for as long as they could before putting it out. I'm probably wrong in thinking this but it was just a feeling, because didn't Oversteps leak before the early release? I'm probably imagining things that never happened... (going days with less than 2 hours of sleep a night is seriously taking a toll on me...)

  9. Ever since I first listened to this, I've thought it'd be amazing to listen to this while riding a motorcycle (japanese slick speed bike types) in a cool city or something. Especially FLeure, irlite, bladelores, nodezsh, runrepik, and cloudline. I think other things too when listening to Exai but this is most prominent.



    Though I hope for something like Farewell Fire...

    that's too noisy for me, I'm more of a magic window kinda guy..


    |_ [] |_


    Those art pics are almost nostalgic, a return to Geogaddi like stuff. I really hope the music doesn't suffer. When bands go along with fan's pleas to return to their old sound, it never comes out right. And they never move on again after that.

  11. As long as it's melodic and interesting, then I don't mind more darker BOC.

    I'm trying hard to not set any expectations or think too much about the album, so I can enjoy it more when it's out.

    If it leaks would Bleep put out the digital release early like with most of the other releases? Though it's only a month wait, it's the last month of school and what not so it's gonna be a slow one.

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