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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Boxus



    I'm not really sure that bit of silence is intentional


    Sounds heavily intentional for me, almost an equivalent of this technique




    I've heard prior examples of this in Liccflii on EP7 and Xylin Room on Draft 7.30. I'd have to agree as well that it's no accident.



    Teartear is the best + worst example of this, that gap is just fuckin RUDE.

  2. The film is definitely more of a visceral experience, while the book matches its sense of wonder with detailed explanations. I love them both, but I would probably pick the book as my favorite. They are very different from each other. The film has more of an abstract beauty, it's more open to interpretation. The book maintains a sense of mystery, but it does explain much much more about what Clarke envisions actually going on. Still it's full of awe-inspiring moments, like the part where he describes something falling through the layers of Jupiter's atmosphere - that chapter was kind of an interlude in the book, not in the film at all, but it was one of the highlights for me. Really beautiful, imaginative, writing.


    I'm a big fan of some of his other novels, especially Childhood's End. I like the balance in his work between spectacle and logic.

  3. I listened again yesterday for the first time in a while. Amazing as FUCK!

    Hey, me too! While playing scrabble actually.


    pt2ph8 has become one of my very favorite pieces of music - it makes me feel mentally stimulated but calm in a way that is just blissful. The calmer tracks on Oversteps really help me focus.

  4. Moreover the current fanboy theory of which i'm a supporter is that, since Quaristice at least, titles contain or even consists of references to the production methods and sound sources itself. The prove is similarity between ts1a and t ess xi and, to some extent, the speculation of bladelores being named after lo-res "blade"-like filter someone noticed in Max program.



    I always thought maybe "r ess" was a Max reference, since r is shorthand for a receive object. It could be an object receiving something sent by "s ess" / "send ess".


    I'm probably wrong.

  5. Complexity is not really an issue for me, but I do miss how on Confield/Draft the sounds were so abstract and alien. With Exai things are more identifiable, relatable. You hear pads, you hear crisp hats, tight snares, samples. They still process and structure everything in mind-blowing ways, and it's great. But I think they're at their best when they pull the rug out from under you and rip away all points of reference.

  6. i love my 80 gig ipod classic, purchased some time in 2007. still works well. sometimes it'll pause itself, which is annoying, but it's pretty rare so i look past it.


    when it was new i installed the klondike solitaire game they had for sale, and i still play it, more than any game on my phone.

  7. I've listened to Orch.V the most. I love how they exploit the orch stabs on the first couple tracks, blowing them open and splattering the remains all over the place. They seem especially good at this in general - exploding and splattering various musical things all over the place.


    Kphanapic is amazing, but I need to devote a little more time to it to really let it sink in. It is vast.

  8. If there is anything that I have come to think about psychedelics it is that a lot of people attach some kind of lie to the experience in aftersight.


    This is really true. I knew a lot of people in college who would take high doses of psychedelics with little foresight, just to brag about the trip later on. I mean you could tell that they didn't spend any time within the trip trying to absorb the experience in a genuine way, because they were too busy trying to find labels to attach to it so that they could babble about it the next day with their friends. Some people clearly had lackluster trips but claimed they were amazing experiences just to look cool. This is a nasty attitude and I think it's common with any status symbol, ie it's kind of the same as somebody pretending to like a band in order to fit in.


    It's a shame that these drugs (which definitely do have incredible positive potential when used wisely) have become status symbols for young people trying to fit in.


    Also, good advice from Robbie about letting your ego develop naturally before modifying it. Make sure you have a full deck of cards before you shuffle it.

  9. My Mouse on Mars obsession goes on strong!


    Got this record recently -


    Mouse on Mars - Pickly Dred Rhizzoms - 7.5/10, nice ep of weird groovy tracks falling somewhere in between the styles of Glam and Niun Niggung. These tracks have excellent percussion but the melodies seem a little dull. I have a feeling further listens will reveal more melodic subtlety and get me more interested.


    I've also been listening to Niun Niggung a bunch lately. It's still incredible. 10/10!

  10. oversteps, to me, has the least 'depth' of their last 5-6 albums. Treale's monotonous beat is a huge turnoff (doesn't go ANYWHERE, similar to that of RALE's throwaway beat).. qplay is an odd one.. track sets up w/a nice atmosphere and good sounds, but it doesn't MOVE. the percussion elements lack any sense of propulsion -- it feels like a static ambient track with "beats." highlights for me are r ess, pt2ph8, os veix3, and d sho qub. a lot of the rest just feels like a setup for thin, aimless atmospheres. It's a baffling album, and as eugene says, I keep returning to it with hopes of taking something away.



    stop trying so hard.

  11. one of the bleakest albums ever. it's a deep dark void of bleakness, but a really pretty one with (as mentioned) killer delay effects and nice thick reverb.


    my favorite track is trellisaze, great processing and weird jangly noises on that one.

  12. You keep saying you hate it,yet continue to watch....

    that needs some deep analysis, but this show doesn't... :)


    i kinda decided i was gonna quit watching it during the last episode, but then, in the end, when the chick came up, with zomby slaves, lol, cheap cheap cheap, but i guess i'm a cheap person so i loved it, and will keep watching.


    but seriously, it's one of those shows where i want to break the tv... yes i use a tv


    What do you mean? its policy to use a knife instead of a gun (shoot only if its last resort).

    i mean, the ricky character, as it is presented to us, would never have the balls to do something like that...


    maybe you secretly hate enjoying things, because some voice in the back of your head is always frantically searching for reasons to be cynical


    i mean no disrespect - this is a problem all of us musical elitists deal with from time to time!

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