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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Boxus


    XCOM 2 performance patch is out, they did a great job. Framerate is more stable, no more slowdowns on the world map, and they added a zip mode that does what that 'stop wasting my time' mod did and gets rid of unnecessary pauses.


    I beat the game yesterday, last mission was a blast. Afterward I started a new game on commander difficulty in ironman mode. Played just long enough to make a team of soldiers based on the Stark family and watch 90% of them die. Ned was the only survivor. Heh..

    Congrats! Yeah the final mission gets crazy tough towards the end, but the feeling of victory was also stronger.


    Glad they patched it too, because those "hang-ups" were annoying. I'm too much of a sissy to play on Commander mode though, especially on Ironman. Seems like it would be impossible to up your Specialists' hack skills without being able to "save-scum." I like being able to take control of ADVENT turrets, MECs, and especially Sectopods.



    Yeah I'm probably not gonna finish that playthrough, just wanted to give it a shot. The first 2 missions went well but on the 3rd I was just destroyed. Was fun tho, might try ironman again but on veteran

  2. XCOM 2 performance patch is out, they did a great job. Framerate is more stable, no more slowdowns on the world map, and they added a zip mode that does what that 'stop wasting my time' mod did and gets rid of unnecessary pauses.


    I beat the game yesterday, last mission was a blast. Afterward I started a new game on commander difficulty in ironman mode. Played just long enough to make a team of soldiers based on the Stark family and watch 90% of them die. Ned was the only survivor. Heh..



    Finally beat XCOM 2!!! Just barely. Took down the last enemy Avatar with my own Commander's Avatar, but by a missed shot with my psionic repeater resulting in the enemy Avatar catching fire. It was already being whittled down with Acid damage from an Andromedon I MC'd earlier, all while my own Avatar and soldiers were getting overwhelmed by aliens surrounding them. Hell of a finish.


    I know this will get drowned out by WATMM's ever-pervasive DS and BB hype. But I know at least two other members mentioned XCOM 2 nearly a month ago. And just when I was on the verge of quitting, I decided to give it one more go. Guess I never truly gave up, and it paid off.



    No, congrats, finishing XCOM is kind of a big deal tbh


    Cheers :)


    Yeah it was tougher than any mission I played prior to it, appropriately enough. Didn't have any Psi-Ops soldiers on this playthrough, but I plan to on the next one. Same with robot hackers.



    I'm close to the end and savoring it... trying to knock out another advent facility before i launch into the endgame. Definitely play it again for the psionics, i've been stalling basically just for the sake of training new psionic abilities and they're so much fun to use.


    Have you installed any mods? I've been using the "stop wasting my time" mod, which cuts out some of the pauses after shots and such, it works great. I forget that I'm even using it since it just makes things flow a little more smoothly.

  4. I've heard of lsd being used in a therapudic setting and having pretty amazing results for people with issues like agoraphobia and addiction. And on the flipside, there are the stories of PSTD-like symptoms after bad trips, HPPD, etc. I think most of us, who've used these drugs relatively lightly, haven't noticed much of any long term change. If anything my 10-20 trips have changed my thinking only in very subtle ways, giving me some interesting new ideas to reflect upon. It's always been pretty benevolent for me, but it is definitely smart to test the waters with low doses since some people do not react well.


    For example. Last time I tripped a friend of mine had a breakdown and locked himself in his room the whole night. Then the next day he texted us all that he couldn't be our friends any more and something about wanting to kill people we knew. Pretty sure he's in the latent psychosis category. At least he saved that for the day after - we actually managed to have a pretty good trip that night despite wondering what was up with him. Low enough dose that we were able to keep things casual. Also, that dude has always done way too much ecstasy, and I feel like that can really perma-fuck peoples' emotions, especially if they make a habit of candyflipping (and are maybe psychotic on top of it all).

  5. its great if your sensible, but you have not started with good substance.

    Salvia is just scary. Most hate Salvia.


    Acquire mushrooms and do a small 0.8g dose. It wont be anything like your other experience.


    Ive done many psy, ime the most gentler is mescaline/peruvianus. If you can acquire cactus, that would be very nice as its impossible to have a bad trip on small dosage + its absolutely wonderful feeling. itconnects you to the general inner good vibes.


    dont do LSD or Salvia anymore.


    Small dose mushroom trips are amazing. Like, even half a gram. It adds such beauty to your day. Larger doses of shrooms tend to be more difficult and confusing for me than high dose lsd actually, but small dose shrooms are just fantastic and really hard to go wrong with.


    Zeff - if you do trip again, try doing it with a group of people you trust, especially ones who have experience with the drug. Tripping alone can go wrong so easily, especially if you have to hide it from others. When you're tripping with a group, there is less a chance of you getting sucked into paranoid thought spirals, and there is usually tons of laughter which makes the mood more positive.

  6. I loved this episode so much. Especially the scenes with Chuck. His piano piece was gorgeous. And when he visits the meeting later on - I love how they don't even announce that he's coming, just that they have to cut the power and collect the phones, and this ominous energy spreads across the room as we realize what that means... brilliant. He's become the villain of the show, but in such a subtle way.

  7. any advice on good choice of iddims for one's first LSD trip? (100ug) or what to do in general




    Listen to anything you love and eat a bunch of fruit. Citrus fruits on acid are fucking amazing

  8. Yeah, similar writing style to BB, slower pace, character development is more nuanced. Both shows are great. Mike's character feels like a strong link between the series, since even though Mike is in a different place in his life in BCS, his wisdom and attitude is really consistent. Mike is always Mike, always the voice of reason.


    To buy XCOM 2 now or wait for a sale... fuck

    Your call. If you enjoyed XCOM: EU (and EW), then it might be worth the standard sixty.


    Feels like Firaxis upped the challenge. I finally got around to playing it today and completed two missions so far, but already lost four operatives. There's more of a stealth element as well, as the game encourages guerilla-style ambush tactics, in keeping in line with the story. Kinda parallels Half-Life 2's plot, albeit based more on an alternate timeline. Plus the XCOM series got started before Half-Life did.


    Anyway, it's legit.



    Yeah I got it, it's great!


    I had a rough start too but I just scrapped that playthrough after a couple bad missions and started a new one, which has been going way better. Cool how the game started in a completely different location on my 2nd play, and the missions felt different even though I was replaying the same story. Great procedural level design. The new locations are beautiful and there's a lot of variety.


    Those snake creatures are dicks though

  10. new doom looks like its a mere stonesthrow away from something im really excited to play.

    the interrupting the gameplay/rhythm things like constant melee attack animations and picking up soldier heads for door scans etc look more along the lines of ' annoying bullshit clutter ' than fun gameplay elements and this is just judging from short 1 minute curated trailer : S


    Yeah those melee kills look pretty cheap. Doom should be about simple and satisfying shooting mechanics. Pausing the action for gratuitous showmanship every few seconds doesn't help establish that.


    I'm excited to see how it turns out though. I figure they're overdoing the flashy shit for their trailers, hopefully gameplay wont rely too much on it.

  11. I can't wait for legit modding to get going for Fallout. I haven't been playing as much since I maxed out most of my crafting opportunities. Can't wait to see what mods will do to expand the weapon system and add more building blocks to settlements.


    And a mod to fix settlement defense quests is crucial. Agree that it's one of the poorest aspects of the game. It just wrecks all sense of immersion when Preston sends you on your millionth sanctuary defense quest, and talks about it like he's never fucking heard of the place before. "maybe they'll join our cause!" Again? Really?

  12. Fallout was one of the only new games I played this year so it would have to be my pick. It is flawed, especially on PC (requiring a bunch of ini edits to play properly - what the fuck were they thinking with the default mouse controls?), but once I got it running to my liking it was tons of fun. Over a hundred hours and I'm still finding new things to do. Witcher looks great but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


    I loved Life is Strange too. Way better episodic game than Telltale's Game of Thrones, which was good but ultimately pretty disappointing story-wise.


    Currently playing The Talos Principle, it's great. Borrows a lot from Portal (box & laser puzzles), but it does good stuff with its mechanics. And the story elements are really well thought out. The machine sentience theme is real hot these days, and it's explored well in Talos. It's one of the only games that really has me looking forward to reading its in-game texts.


    It's kind of nice that there's this really juicy stuff just floating around out there, though, innit? I like it that way.

    No, it's not nice. So here's a Brothomstates / Airliner Series archive on GoogleDrive. plenty of remixes by brothomstates, compilationtracks and live gigs from brothomstates. Dig in.


    Link removed


    cheers thanks!


    brothomstates soundcloud dump plz

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