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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Scaramouche

  1. Rick and Morty, seems alright, dunno if it's good enough to stick with though.


    Rick and Morty is great. Period. I've enjoyed both seasons, there is genuine pathos in the show, oh Rick, goodnight, sweet pronce...


    Anyone watching the BBC show Last Kingdom? Middle Ages, Anglo-Saxons, inevitable comments of how this is the new Game of Thrones.* It does lose its way somewhat after the first few episodes, but it has prompted me subscribe to Audible and download the Last Kingdom books, so even if I am too depressed and/or busy to read, at least I am listening to someone else read for me. I am a better person for having listened to the books.


    *Game of Thrones, terrible, terrible show (imo). it sucks as a series of books and sucks harder as TV show. **


    ** I can never claim back the time I spent with you, oh sordid , sordid fantasy novels of little merit. Why did I think you would offer me something to fill the void.



    wow yeah wtf.

    star trek 1 is boring and more/less a super drawn out TOS episode but is still nice and watchable enough if you are in a vegged out kind of mood.

    star trek 2 is wicked.

    star trek 3 is wicked (really like this one for the neemoy spiritual over emphasis. makes for an interesting watch).

    star trek 4 is fun.

    star trek 5 is TERRIBLE.

    star trek 6 is pretty sweet actually (ignoring the old actors being past their prime on the big screen + ignoring the cgi klingon blood).


    I'd agree with that breakdown. While the Final Frontier might be pretty lame, It is the dynamic between Spock, Kirk and McCoy that still makes it watchable for me, despite the outrageous storyline. That dynamic is present in all of the films up to Undiscovered Country, lets not talk about Generations though.


    Abrams delivered a couple of enjoyable films, but they are just space fantasy action flicks. Notwithstanding Nimoy's appearances, and the characters names, the new films lack any trace what makes Star Trek and what made TOS special. Might as well call it Space Force in the 23rd Century.



    it's amazing that the TOS managed to nail it imo. replicating what made the TOS work ( the good cast + bond between characters ) but still managed to completely fuck it up with just about every film.


    The Final Frontier i find funny more just because it's shatners turn to direct a film and i can barely stomach the end product at all.



    TOS was, and still is some great sci fiction, even if the social commentary was a little hokey at times. The fact that they managed to revisit the characters 10 years later and update them, particularly Spock, while still maintaining the vibe that made the TV series so great is impressive.


    The relationships between the main characters in the new films are not believable. For me. the death scene from Into Darkness rings hollow, I don't see much chemistry between the characters, they are just aping previous performances (imo) It reminds me of this type of criminal behaviour:





    And Final Frontier is rubbish, but come on, we are in some serious so bad its good territory



  3. wow yeah wtf.

    star trek 1 is boring and more/less a super drawn out TOS episode but is still nice and watchable enough if you are in a vegged out kind of mood.

    star trek 2 is wicked.

    star trek 3 is wicked (really like this one for the neemoy spiritual over emphasis. makes for an interesting watch).

    star trek 4 is fun.

    star trek 5 is TERRIBLE.

    star trek 6 is pretty sweet actually (ignoring the old actors being past their prime on the big screen + ignoring the cgi klingon blood).


    I'd agree with that breakdown. While the Final Frontier might be pretty lame, It is the dynamic between Spock, Kirk and McCoy that still makes it watchable for me, despite the outrageous storyline. That dynamic is present in all of the films up to Undiscovered Country, lets not talk about Generations though.


    Abrams delivered a couple of enjoyable films, but they are just space fantasy action flicks. Notwithstanding Nimoy's appearances, and the characters names, the new films lack any trace what makes Star Trek and what made TOS special. Might as well call it Space Force in the 23rd Century.

  4. Alex Kurtzman producing probably means this will be connected to the Abrams universe.... However, new Star Trek is new Star Trek, and I'd be interested to see a new cast and Captain.


    I would have loved to see a Worf show that was touted a couple of years ago. He would have gone through a ship an episode!



  5. a bbc program called Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, just binged the first four episodes. I don't usually go for drama or anything non-nonfiction that isn't animated, well except for GoT, which i binge watched the other day or two the fourth and fifth season of, with the occasional skimming. This one keeps on moving though and isn't entirely an unpleasant experience. The premise of the thing is georgian england during the napoleonic wars plus magic.


    the norrell and strange book was really good i thought. im a sucker for anything with magic.


    The show has been fantastic so far, I loved the novel, as well as the short story collection The Ladies of Grace Adieu. The novel is bloated in places, and meanders to its conclusion, but I always forgave it its sins. The show has been the reverse, rocketing through the story, which is a shame as Stephen has had some nice sequences cut, and Strange's campaigning with Wellington didn't have the detail I was hopping for, despite some fantastic scenes.


    I wasn't sure about the chap playing Strange, but he has done a sterling job, looks like he has done a lot of voice work for video games.


    Hannibal Season 3/ 2nd Episode - Decent-ish. Liked the stag/corpse thing. Even with the dodgy cgi in parts of that sequence.


    Not as strong as episode 1, but still enjoying the new season. Couple of dud flashbacks that didn't add much. The stag/corpse really looked like something out of Silent Hill 2. The music has been one of the highlights so far, really need to get the set from Invada.


    Will Graham needs some hugs, poor guy.


    I used to hide this track in playlists at work, then bugger off to get a tea while it played. As terrible as their music is, I could imagine hangout with these guys at a caravan holiday park, getting shitfaced and partying the night away, probably playing crazy golf.


    I've always seen E17 as the evil reflection of The Prodigy. The Keyboard one. The crazy one. The other two dudes.




    correct on all accounts Rubin!



    and I have no idea baph, I am baphled






    The Illustrated Man



    bodywithoutorgans got it. Sorry to learn you've also seen Rod Steiger naked, bodywithoutorgans.


    bodywithoutorgans are you logged on to my netflix account?






    I've seen things. Painful memories mostly buried, now struggling to suppress them.





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