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Posts posted by YEK

  1. i feel like an idiot because people say AudioMulch is one of the best sound mangling softs around but I can't do good shit in it and it seems just like a stupid version of any DAW


    just twiddle more knobs, it's not that hard to use


    but... is it worth it? I even don't know why I downloaded it, lol... just searching for more ways to create sounds and I saw this... but yeah


    well, it's free...

  2. I saw Chad Kroeger walking around downtown today, and now every time I walk down that same section of street the ending of that "wings of an eagle" song where he and the other guy harmonize "whoa" together is going to appear in my head. (It's the default Chad Kroeger theme for me any time I'm reminded of him. Oh fuck, I totally didn't mean to reference that other song just now...)


    wow. awesome?

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