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Posts posted by YEK

  1. Super_Mario_Land_2_box_art.jpg


    Such a good fucking game!


    Yeah, I loved that one when I was a boy.


    I remember playing that on the original Game Boy console, which used four AA batteries. I remember there being a POP in the battery case one time while playing it, probably from battery corrosion.


    sounds like i should get this game as i rock the sp...

  2. Nintendo should stop trying to innovate hardware and go back to making playing cards for the yakuza.

    It's sad watching them after loving so much of their stuff from the last 30 years. Starting to look like they're going to go down in flames.


    Yeah seems like Nintendo's glory days are a thing of the past now. Nothing lasts forever I guess.


    nintendo will never die. they'll get it "right" eventually...

  3. what are people's opinions on this album? i think it might be my favorite. i love the loud crunchy beats and the artwork is lovely as well

    i just gave v-proc a spin and wow.

    • Like 1
  4. i bought bloody mary mix to share with my flatmate because he had vodka to go with it. we were supposed to drink it tonight but he is presumably asleep and i dunno if he's going to wake up and man i would love to just dip into his vodka and have a nice bloody mary but that might irk him and i'm trying to maintain good relations as long as possible.


    wake the bugger up...

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