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Posts posted by YEK

  1. one of my roommates had a psychotic break yesterday, went totally nuts and the police came, tazered him and took him away. needless to say, i now need a new roomate, so my buddies gf will probably move in which i'm fine with but hoping it won't turn into a fwp.


    first world polyandry


    lol! i had to look up what polyandry meant

  2. Guy Fieri is probably a huge fucking jackass









    dude is 44 years old and his real name is guy ferry. he wears a wristband. he usually wears his sunglasses on the back of his head. he wears pistons as jewelry and calls it his bling. he wears several rings, bracelets and chains. he bleaches his hair. he drives the bus to flavor town. he says things are off the chain. he wears shirts with fire on them. he wears giant watches. he wears a thumb ring. he has a tattoo of dice.


    he's to cool for school........ obviously


    Yikes! I had an old cat who was inclined to do that kind of thing. He was not a happy cat, but we loved him just the same. Also, he was a mute. Any time he did attempt to use his voice it came out as a pathetic little half squeak. He died while I was in Disneyland, perhaps out of loneliness. :cat::cry:


    yeah, same here. we love him but lots of family members don't.

  4. Nice. Expensive though... I presume.


    I'm ashamed to say that I read them all in a bookshop when I was young, as I couldn't afford them.

    I'll make up for it one day.


    they were $160. pretty stoked.



    If you've yet to read them, you're in for one hell of a ride, I don't think anything can prepare you for how explosive and breathless the action is. There's not much dialogue, and considering the amount of pages, not that much happens plot wise, but the way the action is portrayed is so detailed and electric it just sucks you in. It almost feels like the panels are movie frames, but with lots more style obviously.


    You can tell Akira had a big influence on Manga since.


    i have not read it... i'm looking forward to spending some r and r with them.

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