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Posts posted by YEK

  1. i keep having dreams that i'm not wearing a shirt and or wearing short shorts and i'm in public and feel really self concious...

    also pretty much every dream i have been having i'm at school and i'm failing/ can't get my shit together

  2. he asked me what synths I own. I reply with "just the qy70 that I use with my guitar and the rest is mostly software". he then said that music produced with software is never any good


    the question is, was he being really rude and inconsiderate in expressing this opinion (basically rubbishing your music to your face) or was he just trying to be friendly in a retarded way that some people have sometimes? you know, like "omg that book you're reading sucks, check this book out, it's so awesome, I hope I win friendship points with you for getting you into what I like"

    Well, considering that he basically tries to one-up me every time I talk to him about my music, I'd say it's the first option..




    i have a friend that does the same thing. he has a giant ego and talks about stuff like he's super educated and kinda talks down to me... i could argue with him but i never have. it's older brother syndrome or something. smile and nod

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