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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by modey

  1. It's different, for sure. I like it because it's more interactive/social than just messing around by myself in my studio, which can get lonely sometimes. I've just started a restream.io account, so I can stream to a few platforms at once (does twitch allow for music streaming as well or is it just games?), which should open things up a bit. 

  2. 7 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    I don't draw a distinction between working on recorded music, playing/writing with other people, noodling around with video experiments and building things, so I might be working really hard all week but not produce any music at all.

    yeah this

    I told myself I wouldn't do it again this year, but I just uploaded a track for it. I've established a goal to do more streaming this year, so the majority of my uploads will be excerpts from my streams. Hopefully mostly using Orca as well..

  3. It's what was called a "daughterboard" in the 90s—a board that attaches to a raspberry pi to add functionality; in this case, a screen, encoders, buttons and audio interface. 

    Norns is a hardware device that can run lua scripts and supercollider code. It's got USB host ports and network connectivity as well, so can be basically anything, as long as you can code it (or find something that someone else has made). I'm pretty keen to get started making my own sequencers etc for it. 

  4. 1 hour ago, TubularCorporation said:

    also, unrelated, I accidentally just discovered that one of those low budget Chinese-or-something companies is making bootleg Ibanez Soundtank pedals - IN 2019

    oh shit they're still making them? I have Daphon delay and phaser pedals I bought in 2006 that are still going.. I don't use them much anymore at all but they're better quality than I expected.

    • Like 1
  5. I still haven't really heard much microtonal music that inspires me enough to actually get into it myself. Stuff like this is incredible..

    .. but I can't think of any way I'd fit that into my music. The closest I've come to actually making music using microtuning is using slightly out of tune samples in order to give tracks a dodgy rave feel haha

  6. 2 hours ago, thawkins said:

    Actually I feel that I am about to start the worst addiction. Worser than eurorack - vinyl.

    Ooof, been there. For me records were my addiction before synths. I still have a collection of maybe 200 or so. I never listen to them anymore. I tried putting a bunch up on discogs, which worked for a while, but then a few people flaked out on me in a row, so it kinda put me off. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

    Are you building a Dubldeca?

    Nah, I'm building my own Teensy based thing to fit in a 1U space, based on a couple of schematics/sketches I found. The Dubledeca looks great though! I might take a look at the code and/or schematics and see how it compares to what I want to build.

    8 minutes ago, baph said:

    Should I get a Volca Sample or yes?

    Get the Model:Samples instead imo. I know it's between two and three times the price of the Volca, but it's a lot more capable. I played a very spontaneous set lastnight using it. A friend had to cancel his set and asked me to fill in; I was already on my way and had my M:S with me, but with no patterns programmed into it. I sat at a table for 5 minutes choosing a kit of samples on a blank pattern, then plugged into the PA and played a surprisingly dynamic 25min set, everything generated on the fly, one pattern, 6 samples. It was ridiculous. I've never been able to do that so quickly with any other device.

    Also it works very well with an external battery pack; I found a cheap one that holds 4 AA batteries. I'm not sure how long it lasts on those, but I'll do some testing soon.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  8. On 11/22/2019 at 9:35 AM, kakapo said:

    I've put down a payment on the Expressive E Osmose which was just announced. 

    I'm very surprised by the price, it actually seems pretty cheap for what it's capable of.


    8 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    to me trackers always seem like such an inherently typing-based paradigm

    Yeah, same. The NerdSeq looks cool, but as well as the lack of keyboard control, for me modular has been about getting away from super detailed sequencing and just controlling things by chance etc. That said, I am about to build a MIDI to CV interface so I can use my OT to sequence my tiny setup.

  9. 1 hour ago, Stickfigger said:

    I predict Modey will sell Samples and get a second hand digitakt (ps, I'm selling a digitakt in about 3 months , send me a PM) 

    lol maybe someday.. I was considering it, but the form factor and the promise of a battery pack (even if I have to 3D print one myself) sold it for me. 

  10. Sold a couple of eurorack bits and pieces (and my volca drum is soon to go as well, once I sample it thoroughly) and bought a Model:Samples. I couldn't resist; it's just so cute. It's nice to have an Elektron device that's a bit more lightweight and, interestingly, more limited. I'll probably use it mostly for drums, but I can imagine it being really nice with single cycle waves, especially with the wider octave range than on the octatrack. I also feel like I'm sometimes wasting the OT's tracks when just playing back a kick sample or something, so the M:S can take over some of the more simple playback duties. 

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  11. Good timing for a bump. I did the t-shirt design for next year's Square Sounds chiptune festival. Sadly they're not available for purchase without a ticket (maybe that'll change though?) but I figured I'd show them off here because it's one of my most idm designs lol


    also available in yellow on red, fluorescent green on black, and dark grey on black

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  12. I'm glad it's back to the "landscape" format. Looks like it's a bit smaller than it was before? Or at least smaller than I expected, around GB Micro size. The new dot matrix display looks pretty cool too. Hopefully we're not far off. It's been really interesting seeing it develop.

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